The Diary of Lewis Wainwright

Part 3

January 1888

Sun. 1 Staid home all day. Had the sick headache at night.

Mon. 2 Went over to the store & down to Breed’s. had supper there. We came up to the store & got the mail and came home.

Tues. 3 Went to Warren with Father & Frances Williams went along.

Wed. 4 home all day. Wrote a letter to Mrs. Batty.

Thur. 5 Home all day

Fri. 6 Put some barb wire around the grove to keep the horses from eating them. Went down to Bawden’s.

Sat. 7 Left home in morning and went to Stockton & went to Elizabeth.

Sun. 8 Broke a colt to the halter.

Mon. 9 Took Katie out to her school. Went over to Ashmore’s to see about getting some cattle weight. Shoveled snow butchered and hauled some fodder.

Tues. 10 Butchered in the forenoon. Went down to the river and shoveled snow off the ice.

Wed. 11 Hauled hay all day.

Thur. 12 Hauled hay in forenoon. Stormy in afternoon.

Fri. 13 Done odd jobs in forenoon. To the river & shoveled snow & went out after Katie.

Sat. 14 Went down tot he river & shoveled snow. Haled fodder & fixed up ice platform.

Sun. 15 Home all day.

Mon. 16 Took Katie out to her school & hauled up some fodder & fixed up for ice.

Tues. 17 Hauled ice.

Wed. 18 Packed ice all day.

Thur. 19 Packed ice all day.

Fri. 20 Packed ice in forenoon & went out after Katie.

Sat. 21 Throwed sawdust on the ice.

Sun. 22 Went to church.

Mon. 23 Took Katie out to school. Hauled corn fodder the rest of the day.

Tues. 24 Put saw dust on the ice.

Wed. 25 Hauled wood all day.

Thur. 26 Hauled wood all day.

Fri. 27 Hauled wood & went out after Katie.

Sat. 28 Hauled wood all day.

Sun. 29 Went to church in the morning.

Mon. 30 Took Katie out to her school and hauled wood.

Tues. 31 Hauled wood all day.

February 1888

Wed. 1 Butchered in forenoon and hauled load of posts and stopped at the sale.

Thur. 2 Done odd jobs and fixed up ice house.

Fri. 3 Butchered a beef for James Crummer. Helped him take it home and went out after Katie.

Sat. 4 Cut up beef for Crummer in forenoon and fetched up cattle from slaughter house in afternoon.

Sun. 5 Fooled around town all day.

Mon. 6 Took Katie out to her school and fetched up seed corn and shelled it.

Tues. 7 Done nothing but the chores.

Wed. 8 Hauled up corn fodder in afternoon.

Thur. 9 Killed a beef.

Fri. 10 Went out after Katie.

Sat. 11 Went over to Armitage’s and helped kill hogs.

Sun. 12 Bummed around town all day.

Mon. 13 Took Katie out to her school and killed a beef.

Tues. 14 Came home from Elizabeth.

Wed. 15 Home all day.

Thur. 16 Cut wood in forenoon.

Fri. 17 Went to Warren. Was gone all day.

Sat. 18 Went over to the liteary at night.

Sun. 19 Went to church in the morning.

Mon. 20 Hauled manure all day.

Tues. 21 Done nothing. Went and saw Al Bawden.

Wed. 22 Hauled straw all day. Took Mother down to Clays and went after her at night.

Thur. 23 Hauled straw and opened the road. Hauled down a log from Chance Clays.

Fri. 24 Went down to Len Arnold’s and chopped wood and went over to the store at night.

Sat. 25 Went down to Clays and took out his pump and took out ours. It has been snowing all day.

Sun. 26 Went down to Poly Clays. Had dinner. Had some popcorn. Came home and done chores.

Mon. 27 Went over to Richard’s in the morning and stayed there all night.

Tues. 28 Let John Richards have $15 for a little while. Went up to Bond’s and done chores all day. Stayed there all night.

Wed. 29 Done chores all day for Bond. Came home in the evening. Went down to Napolian Clay’s at night.

March 1888

Thur. 1 Home all day. Done nothing but chores. Went down to Napolian Clay’s at night.

Fri. 2 Went to Nora with a load for W. Bond. Went to Kiplinger with Al Bawden.

Sat. 3 Shoveled snow in the road in forenoon. Cut wood in afternoon. Went over to the liteary at night and stayed with Al Bawden all night.

Sun. 4 Went to church in morning.

Mon. 5 Cut wood in forenoon. Went over to West’s in afternoon. Had supper there.

Tues. 6 Went to Warren with a load of hogs. Went to a candy pulling at night at Chance Clays.

Wed. 7 Came to Elizabeth to settle with R. Scott.

Thur. 8 Made sausage in afternoon.

Fri. 9 Loafed all day.

Sat. 10 Loafed all day.

Sun. 11 Went to church at night.

Mon. 12 Came home from Elizabeth. Went over to Thomas Kiplinger’s at night.

Tues. 13 Rented E. A. Eaustice’s farm for one year on the halves. Went down to Stockton after my trunk. Hauled corn for E. A. Eaustice.

Wed. 14 Went down to Eaustices. Helped him move to Warren. Fetched home a plow.

Thur. 15 Hauled corn from Loren Shaw’s. Paid him $0.50 a bushel for 83 bus. Got 39 bu and 9 lbs at 28 cents a bus.

Fri. 16 Took a load of wood to Warren for E. Eaustices. Mother went up with me.

Sat. 17 Went over to Joe Richards after a load of oats. Father hauled one load for me. Paid him $13.45.

Sun. 18 Went to church morning and night.

Mon. 19 Went over to Joe Richards and got a load of oats. Cleaned out the house.

Tues. 20 Went to Warren after the Doctor. Father was sick. Cleaned out some manure. Went over to the store.

Wed. 21 Went to Warren and got a set of chains and clover seed.

Thur. 22 Fixed up box to weigh hogs in and went over to the store.

Fri. 23 Weighed hogs and went over to the store. Got West’s calves.

Sat. 24 Done odd jobs.

Sun. 25 Home all day.

Mon. 26 Went over to Bonds with L. Shaw and got the notices and put them up in the afternoon.

Tues. 27 Went down to Pat Arnold’s and killed a beef.

Wed. 28 Went to Warren with a load of wood. Went over to John Richards after seed corn.

Thur. 29 Took a load of wood to Warren for E. Eaustice. Fetched home a load of hay to day and one yesterday.

Fri. 30 Fanned and cut my oats. Charley helped me.

Sat. 31 Took a load to Nora for John Richards. Went to the caucus and went and seen Bill Scofield about my tobacco.

April 1888

Sun. 1 Went to church in morning.

Mon. 2 Cleaned out cow stables.

Tues. 3 Went to Nora in forenoon to Vote. Cleaned out manure.

Wed. 4 Breaking colt. Winding up barb wire.

Thur. 5 Started to plow sod. Put up wire fence. Charley helped me.

Fri. 6 Went to town and exchanged plow. Wound up wire. Charley helped me.

Sat. 7 Wound up wire and started to plow for oats. Sold tobacco. 4 cents.

Sun. 8 Went to church and down to Clay’s.

Mon. 9 Plowed in forenoon. Went up home in afternoon. It rained.

Tues. 10 Plowed all day.

Wed. 11 Plowed all day.

Thur. 12 Plowed most all day. Mixed seed oats with clover.

Fri. 13 Plowed all day.

Sat. 14 Plowed part of the day. Went up to West’s to see about the seeder. Started to plow with four horses.

Sun. 15 Went home with A Bawden and went over to Nigerville to church. Was to church in morning and evening too.

Mon. 16 Sowed oats all day. Had L. Shaw’s seeder.

Tues. 17 Went up to West’s in morning to helped load my tobacco up to go to Nora. Sowed oats in forenoon. Had West’s seeder. Dragged in afternoon. Went down to the Robinson school house to Prohibition club.

Wed. 18 Dragged all day.

Thur. 19 Plowed all day.

Fri. 20 Plowed all day.

Sat. 21 Finished plowing for oats and dragged. Went to a party at night at Leon Phelps.

Sun. 22 Went up home.

Mon. 23 Finished sowing oats and dragged.

Tues. 24 Dragged and started to plow for corn.

Wed. 25 Plowed all day.

Thur. 26 Plowed all day.

Fri. 27 Plowed all day.

Sat. 28 Plowed all day. Went up home in the evening. Started to plow sod.

Sun. 29 had the sick headache all day. Went up home.

Mon. 30 Plowed in the afternoon and dug out posts in the forenoon. Father helped set new posts in afternoon. Went to the Prohibition club at night.

May 1888

Tues. 1 Plowed all day. Mark set post in forenoon and I helped shimmy out the wire and bin & father put it in.

Wed. 2 Plowed all day.

Thur. 3 Plowed in forenoon. I and Mark hauled manure in afternoon.

Fri. 4 Plowed all day.

Sat. 5 Hauled manure part of the day. Mark was helping me. Plowed up some corners in the field by the old house and planted some potatoes.

Sun. 6 Went to church in the morning and out to Nigerville in the afternoon and to church in the evening.

Mon. 7 Rained most of the day. Plowed three or four rounds.

Tues. 8 Boiled kettle of mush. Went up to Goble’s. rammed most of the day.

Wed. 9 Plowed part of the day. Took down storm windows.

Thur. 10 plowed most all day.

Fri. 11 Rained all day.

Sat. 12 Plowed all day.

Sun. 13 Went to church in the morning and evening.

Mon. 14 Dragged the piece up by the old house. Plowed a little below the sod.

Tues. 15 Planted potatoes in forenoon. It rained in afternoon.

Wed. 16 Finished planting potatoes and plowed. Father helped me to plant both days.

Thur. 17 Went down to Stockton after some seed corn. Mark plowed while I was gone. It rained in the afternoon.

Fri. 18 Boiled a kettle of mush for the hogs and went to Warren to get some clothes.

Sat. 19 Plowed and dragged. Got through plowing and Poly started to plant corn for me. Went over to the club.

Sun. 20 Went to church. Went over to Nigerville with Charley Stanton. Went to church in evening.

Mon. 21 Went over to Bonds to get the disk. Disked sod all day. Poly finished planting the piece by the old house by noon.

Tues. 22 Disked all day. Poly planted the piece of old ground on the bottom.

Wed. 23 Disked all day.

Thur. 24 Disked all day. Went up to Nora at night to Prohibition meeting.

Fri. 25 Dragged all day.

Sat. 26 Dragged all day.

Sun. 27 Went fishing in forenoon. Stopped at S. Clegg’s and talked till noon. A. Bawden cut my hair. Made a board to smooth the sod. Went to church at night.

Mon. 28 Charley and I smoothed sod all day. Poly planted corn. Rained part of the day.

Tues. 29 Dragged corn in afternoon. Done odd jobs in forenoon. Poly finished planting my corn at noon.

Wed. 30 Finished dragging the piece of corn on the bottom. Took home the disc and done odd jobs the rest of the day.

Thur. 31 Took a load of wood to Warren for E. A. Eaustice. Fetched home corn plow. Took Bird to John Crawford. She took the horse.

June 1888

Fri. 1 Dragged all day. Went over to Kiplinger’s to a sing at night.

Sat. 2 Dragged all day. Had the sick headache at night.

Sun. 3 Went to church night and morning both. Went over to Nigerville in the afternoon.

Mon. 4 Dragged part of the day and helped cut our colt. I cleaned some of the manure from around the house.

Tues. 5 Worked out my Poll tax in forenoon. Fixed fence in afternoon.

Wed. 6 Plowed corn all day.

Thur. 7 Plowed corn all day.

Fri. 8 Plowed corn all day and went up to Nora at night.

Sat. 9 Plowed corn all day. Went over to Nigerville at night to temperance meeting.

Sun. 10 Went to church in morning. Had the sick headache all day.

Mon. 11 Plowed corn all day. Half a day for Father.

Tues. 12 Plowed corn all day and half day for father.

Wed. 13 Plowed corn all day. Mark came and plowed for me to.

Thur. 14 Plowed corn most of the day. It rained part of the day. Mark helped me to-day.

Fri. 15 Plowed corn all day. Went to the sing at night at West’s.

Sat. 16 Plowed corn all day. Went to Warren at night.

Sun. 17 Went to church twice here. I went over to Nigerville. Had dinner at Bawden’s.

Mon. 18 Plowed corn all day.

Tues. 19 Plowed corn all and helped West’s set tobacco.

Wed. 20 Plowed corn all day.

Thur. 21 Went to Warren to see the Doctor. Come back by Jo. Crawford’s.

Fri. 22 Plowed corn all day. Went up to the store at night to get hair clippers.

Sat. 23 Plowed corn all day. Went over to Nigerville to temperance meeting at night with Oliver Kiplinger.

Sun. 24 Went to church night and morning.

Mon. 25 Plowed corn all day. Mark helped me plow. Went to Nora at night to Prohibition lecture.

Tues. 26 Plowed corn all day and potatoes.

Wed. 27 Rained all day.

Thur. 28 Took the pa?? And top?? out to the horse. Fixed fence the rest of the day.

Fri. 29 Plowed corn all day.

Sat. 30 Plowed corn all day. Went over to Clay’s at night.

July 1888

Sun. 1 Went to church twice went down to Loren Shaw’s for dinner. Went swimming.

Mon. 2 Plowed corn all day.

Tues. 3 Plowed corn all day. Mark helped me in the afternoon.

Wed. 4 Went down to Stockton with O. Kiplinger.

Thur. 5 Cut grass for Father in forenoon. Plowed corn in afternoon.

Fri. 6 Cut grass all day.

Sat. 7 Plowed corn in forenoon and helped Father haul in his hay. We all cocked mine up.

Sun. 8 Up home most all day. Bawden came down. We hitched up the Darcy and took a ride. He stayed all night.

Mon. 9 Plowed corn all day.

Tues. 10 Plowed corn in forenoon. Father and the boys came down and we hauled in my hay.

Wed. 11 Cut grass all day.

Thur. 12 Cut grass and hauled in hay. Broke the mower and had to go to Nora to get more bolts. Father helped me haul hay.

Fri. 13 Hauled he hay all day. Charley, he cut all day.

Sat. 14 Hauled hay all day. Charley cut part of the day. Went to Prohibition meeting at night.

Sun. 15 Went over to Nigerville with A. Bawden.

Mon. 16 Hauled in hay all day.

Tues. 17 Hauled in hay all day.

Wed. 18 hauled hay in the barn all day. Finished.

Thur. 19 Helped Father haul hay all day.

Fri. 20 Helped Father all day with hay.

Sat. 21 Helped Father all day. Went over to Nigerville at night. stayed at Bawden’s all night.

Sun. 22 Went to church and went over to Nigerville and took Bawden’s hired girl to church.

Mon. 23 Helped Father with his hay all day.

Tues. 24 Helped Father all day.

Wed. 25 Helped Father all day cut barley.

Thur. 26 Cut barley for Father all day.

Fri. 27 Hauled in barley all day for father.

Sat. 28 Hauled in barley in forenoon. Went to Warren and got binding twine. Went to Prohibition meeting at night at the Chelsea school house.

Sun. 29 Went to church twice.

Mon. 30 Started the binder. Had to go to Warren to get two springs. Poly Clay helped me start it.

Tues. 31 Cut oats all day. Father and Charley shocked up. Mark helped them some. Had Father’s horses.

August 1888

Wed. 1 Cut oats for myself. Father and the boys shocked up.

Thur. 2 Helped father stack oats all day.

Fri. 3 Cut oats in forenoon and helped father stack oats in afternoon. The boys helped me shock up.

Sat. 4 Finished cutting my oats. Father and Charley shocked. Went down to Bawden’s at night and I went over to Nigerville.

Sun. 5 Went to church night and morning. Went down to Bawden’s and went over to Nigerville.

Mon. 6 Helped father stack oats all day.

Tues. 7 Helped Father stack oats all day.

Wed. 8 Stacked oats part of the day. Rained part of the day.

Thur. 9 Cut wood all day.

Fri. 10 Stacked oats for father part of the day. Went down to Bawden’s and sat up with Burt all night.

Sat. 11 Cut weeds all day. Went over to Chelsea school house to a Prohibition lecture at night.

Sun. 12 Went to Warren with Al Bawden. Went home with him and sat up with Burt at night.

Mon. 13 Stacked oats all day for father.

Tues. 14 Helped father fix his stacks up and started to stack my oats. Cut some weeds.

Wed. 15 Cut weeds and went down to Bawden’s to see Burt.

Thur. 16 Stacked oats part of the day.

Fri. 17 Stacked oats all day.

Sat. 18 Stacked oats all day. Went down to Bawden’s at night.

Sun. 19 Went to church at night. went down to Bawden’s.

Mon. 20 Helped Loren Shaw stack oats all day. Went to Nora at night.

Tues. 21 Went over to John Burns after a sick ste??? for father. Set posts in afternoon. Went to a Prohibition lecture over at Wing’s at night.

Wed. 22 Fixed fence all day. Mark helped me.

Thur. 23 Helped Poly Clay thrash all day.

Fri. 24 Helped Bawden thrash all day.

Sat. 25 Done odd jobs all day. Went to camp meeting at night.

Sun. 26 Went to camp meeting with A. Bawden. Stayed all day.

Mon. 27 Helped father haul his hay from Simon’s.

Tues. 28 Cut weeds and fixed fence in forenoon. Took Net Armitage to Stockton in afternoon. Down to Bawden’s at night.

Wed. 29 Went and helped Jo. Richards thrash for father. Took all day.

Thur. 30 Helped Loren Shaw thrash all day.

Fri. 31 Helped Loren Shaw thrash.

September 1888

Sat. 1 Fixed fence and cut weeds & picked Siberian crabs [crabapples?]. Charley helped me pick them.

Sun. 2 Went to church & went over to Nigerville. Was down to Bawden’s.

Mon. 3 Dug potatoes part of the day. Mark & Charley helped me.

Tues. 4 Snapped load of corn & helped Father thrash in afternoon.

Wed. 5 Helped father thrash all day.

Thur. 6 I & Charley dug potatoes.

Fri. 7 I and Charley got a load of corn. Dug some potatoes. Helped Chance Clay thrash in afternoon.

Sat. 8 Helped Chance Clay thrash in forenoon. Went down to Bawden’s at night.

Sun. 9 Went to church morning and night.

Mon. 10 Finished digging potatoes and got load of corn. Mark & Charley helped me and started to dig father’s potatoes.

Tues. 11 Dug potatoes for father all day.

Wed. 12 Helped father dig potatoes all day.

Thur. 13 Snapped corn and done odd jobs all day.

Fri. 14 Got ready for the thrashers. Thrashed in the afternoon.

Sat. 15 Finished thrashing in forenoon. Snapped corn and fixed straw stack in the afternoon. Charley helped me. Went down to Bawden’s at night.

Sun. 16 Went to church.

Mon. 17 Helped Dick Eaustice thrash.

Tues. 18 Picked corn in forenoon and grubed [?] over at Chance Clay’s in afternoon.

Wed. 19 Got a load of wood and picked corn.

Thur. 20 Went to the fair with A. Bawden.

Fri. 21 Helped father pick apples all day.

Sat. 22 Picked corn and Sif??? Corn in forenoon. Charley helped me. Helped father pick apples and corn in afternoon.

Sun. 23 Went to church.

Mon. 24 Sacked up my potatoes and helped C. Clay pack ?????? all day.

Tues. 25 Fixed so my cattle could get a drink. Cut corn for Father in afternoon.

Wed. 26 Cut corn all day for father.

Thur. 27 Cut corn and sugar cane for Father all day. Got corn for hogs.

Fri. 28 Helped Wash. Clay thrash all day.

Sat. 29 Hauled off a load of sugar cane for father. Got corn for hogs.

Sun. 30 Went to church twice.

October 1888

Mon. 1 Snapped corn in forenoon and helped father pick apples in afternoon.

Tues. 2 Helped Bawden’s thrash all day. Went over to Nigerville at night to Prohibition meeting.

Wed. 3 Helped Bawden’s finish thrashing. Picked apples the rest of the forenoon and helped S. Clay thrash in the afternoon.

Thur. 4 Helped S. Clay thrash all day.

Fri. 5 Picked corn and sacked up oats in forenoon. Took load of oats off for E. Eaustice to Stockton.

Sat. 6 Took load of oats to Stockton for E. Eaustice in forenoon. Got some corn for hogs and went over to a Prohibition meeting at night.

Sun. 7 Went over to Nigerville. Went to church at night.

Mon. 8 Helped at parsonage all day.

Tues. 9 Helped at parsonage all day. Went over to Millville at night to Prohibition meeting.

Wed. 10 Helped at parsonage all day.

Thur. 11 Snapped corn in forenoon and helped at parsonage in afternoon.

Fri. 12 Helped at parsonage all day.

Sat. 13 Helped at parsonage and went to Warren with Oliver Kiplinger. Went coon hunting at night.

Sun. 14 Went to church morning and night. Mon. 15 Helped father put his potatoes in the cellar. Tim here the rest of the day.

Tues. 16 Helped C. Clay grind in the forenoon and helped Mark haul stunts [?] in afternoon. He hauled me a load of wood.

Wed. 17 Hauled load of wood and picked corn. One load for me and one for father.

Thur. 18 Went over to Thomas Kiplinger’s and helped father some.

Fri. 19 Helped father grub at Chance Clay’s all day.

Sat. 20 Helped father haul home his wood in forenoon. Picked corn in afternoon. Went coon hunting at night.

Sun. 21 Went over to Nigerville with A. Bawden.

Mon. 22 Took E. Eaustice potatoes to town.

Tues. 23 Picked corn all day.

Wed. 24 Took load of oats off to Stockton for Ed Eaustice.

Thur. 25 Husked corn all day. Started to comb [?] this afternoon.

Fri. 26 Husked corn all day.

Sat. 27 Rained in forenoon. Husked corn in afternoon and went over to Nigerville at night.

Sun. 28 Went home with Loren Shaw for dinner. Went to church twice.

Mon. 29 Husked corn all day. Went to Warren at night to a Prohibition lecture.

Tues. 30 Husked corn all day.

Wed. 31 Husked corn all day.

November 1888

Thur. 1 Husked corn most all day.

Fri. 2 Cut some wood and helped father some. Too muddy to husk corn to-day.

Sat. 3 Husked corn all day.

Sun. 4 Went to church night and morning.

Mon. 5 Rained all day.

Tues. 6 Went over to the polls and voted for Frisk and Brake. Husked corn in afternoon.

Wed. 7 Husked corn all day.

Thur. 8 Husked corn in forenoon and it rained in afternoon.

Fri. 9 Rained all day.

Sat. 10 Snowed in forenoon. Husked corn in afternoon.

Sun. 11 Went to church morning and night.

Mon. 12 Husked corn all day.

Tues. 13 Husked corn all day.

Wed. 14 Husked corn all day.

Thur 15 Husked corn all day.

Fri. 16 Husked corn all day.

Sat. 17 Husked corn all day.

Sun. 18 Went to church at night.

Mon. 19 Husked corn all day. Sherman West helped me to husk.

Tues. 20 Husked corn all day. S. West helped me.

Wed. 21 Husked corn all day.

Thur. 22 Husked corn all day.

Fri. 23 Husked corn all day. Got through. Helped father in afternoon.

Sat. 24 Husked corn all for father.

Sun. 25 Went to church two times. Went over to Kiplinger’s for dinner.

Mon. 26 Husked corn all day for father.

Tues. 27 Took a load of wood to Warren for E. A. Eaustice.

Wed. 28 hauled down some straw and went to Loren Shaw’s.

Thur. 29 Took a load of wood to Warren for E. A. Eaustice.

Fri. 30 Went to Warren.

December 1888

Sat. 1 Took Victor to Nora in forenoon. Helped father get some wood the rest of the day.

Sun. 2 Went to church morning and night.

Mon. 3 Took hogs to Nora. $5.10 a hundred. Went from there to Warren and paid E. A. Eaustice his share.

Tues. 4 Helped father get up some wood.

Wed. 5 Penned up hogs and built feed rack. Albert helped me. Helped father haul manure in the afternoon.

Thur. 6 Cut some wood. Helped father haul straw in the afternoon.

Fri. 7 Helped father to tear down fence. Helped him all day.

Sat. 8 Helped father in forenoon. Fixed fence at home in afternoon. Father helped.

Sun. 9 Went over to Nigerville in the afternoon with O. Kiplinger.

Mon. 10 Helped father chop wood all day.

Tues. 11 Chopped wood all day for father.

Wed. 12 Chopped wood for father.

Thur. 13 Tinkered around at odd jobs and butchered calf. Father helped me.

Fri. 14 Rained most all day.

Sat. 15 Went to Warren with father.

Sun. 16 Went to church at night.

Mon. 17 Went to Warren. Paid E. A. Eaustice his half of turkey money. $7.31.

Tues. 18 Fixed hog pen and helped father to shell some corn.

Wed. 19 Went over to sale at Dedrick’s.

Thur. 20 Took a load of wood to Warren for Eaustice.

Fri. 21 Done odd jobs.

Sat. 22 Done odd jobs. Went to sing at night.

Sun. 23 Went to church two times.

Mon. 24 Went up in Wisconsin with Oliver Kiplinger.

Tues. 25 Came home from up in Wisconsin.

Wed. 26 Rained all day.

Thur. 27 Stormed most all day.

Fri. 28 Done odd jobs all day.

Sat. 29 Went to Warren to get sale bills.

Sun. 30 Went to church.

Mon. 31 Put up sale bills all day.