Annie CRAWFORD  -Miss Annie Crawford of this city died Friday night at the home of her sister, Mrs. Henry Berryman in Cedar Rapids, Ia.  She had been an invalid nearly two years, her disease being an affection of the heart.  For more than a year past she has lived with her sister at Cedar Rapids.  She was a member of an old and well known Galena family.  Andrew Crawford of this city is her brother.  The remains will be brought to Galena for interment but the funeral arrangements have not yet been made.-Galena Daily Gazette, March 14, 1896.

Annie CRAWFORD  -The remains of Miss Annie Crawford, who died of heart disease at Cedar Rapids, Ia. Friday night, arrived in Galena on the fast express at 2 o'clock this afternoon for interment.  They were taken to the M. E. church where the sad rites were held.  After services by Rev. E. C. Arnold the solemn cortege took up its march for beautiful Greenwood cemetery where all that was mortal of the beloved departed now sleeps the sleep that knows no waking upon earth.  The floral tributes were many testifying to the esteem in which she was held by her wide circle of friends.  The pall-bearers were Messrs. John Vincent, John Gibson, Mason Spensley, Wesley Liddle, Richard Manuel, John Garner.-Galena Daily Gazettte, March 16, 1896.

Annie CRAWFORD  -Mr and Mrs. T. F. Argent of Hampton, Ia., were here to-day to attend the funeral of Miss Annie Crawford as were also Mrs. J. M. Hunter and Miss Belle Hunter of Mt. Carroll-Galena Daily Gazette, March 16, 1896

Annie CRAWFORD  -Those from abroad who attended the funeral of Miss Annie Crawford Monday were Mr. and Mrs. Henry Berryman and Mrs. E. W. Winter of Cedar Rapids, Ia., Mr. and Mrs. Thos. Argent of Hampton, Ia., Mrs. J. W. Argent of Alexander, Mrs. J. M. Hunter and Miss Belle Hunter, of Mt. Carroll. Mrs. Winter, Mrs. Berryman and Mrs. J. W. Argent are sisters of the deceased.-Galena Daily Gazette, March 17, 1896.

Submitted by Kathy Kuroda