Alexander Dodds
Death of Alexander Dodds
Dies at Finley Hospital, Dubuque, on Friday Afternoon
Alexander Dodds died at Finley Hospital, Dubuque, March 23, 1928, at four o'clock, after an illness of eight months. The body was removed to Uehren & Furlong's Chapel where funeral services will be held Tuesday afternoon at two o'clock. Rev. Dr. McGlade officiating. Burial will be made in the family lot in Greenwood cemetery.
Mr. Dodds was born in Galena July 18, 1853 and was employed as a carpenter working for J.B. Ginn, contractor, for over fifty years. His wife died October 3, 1927. He is survived by the following children: Mrs. T.L. Schoonhover of Chana, Illinois; John, Mrs. L.C. Morton, Mrs. Thomas Childs and Samuel, all of Galena. A daughter, Margaret, died fifteen years ago. One sister, Miss Alice Dodds, also of Galena, survives. Mr. Dodds was very well known in Galena for he was a man of friendly disposition.
Funeral of Alexander Dodds is Held This Afternoon
The funeral of Alexander Dodds was held Monday afternoon with services at 2 o'clock at the Uehren & Furlong Chapel on Main Street. Dr. Jerome R. McGlade of the South Presbyterian church officiated. Two beautiful selections "Handel's Largo" and "The Rosary" were played by the Uehren & Furlong Chapel Duo. Dispite the disagreeable weather a large number of relatives and friends attended the services both at the Chapel and in the graveside tent at Greenwood cemetery, where burial was made in the family lot. the following acting as bearers: Arthur Porter, W. Frank Eggleston, Chris Glick, Frank J. Desmond, B. Frank Meusel, and August W. Thode.