Mrs. Jonathan White

Died at her home in Hanover, Ill., April 15, 1907, Mrs. Jonathan White. Last October Mrs. White sustained a severe injury to her ankle, and never fully recovered from the shock, but no serious consequences were anticipated until her last illness which was about four weeks duration.

Awilda J. Lightner was born in Mercer Co., Pa., Sept. 12th 1843. In 1850, came west with her parents. Was married to Jonathan White, Aug. 25, 1875. About fifteen years ago she united with the First Presby. Church of Hanover. She was a charter member of the Ladies Missionary Society and active interest in the work.

Besides her husband, she leave to mourn her loss four brothers and two sisters. Mrs. J. Lolandson and J. R. Lightner of Marshfield, Oregon; A. B. and W. L. Lightner of Portland, Ore.; Frank of Chelan, Wash. And Miss Helen, who was with her through her last illness; also Mrs. A. V. Cooper of Hanover, Mrs. Chas. Platt of Portland, Ore. And Chas. G. White of San Francisco, son and daughters of Mr. White by a former marriage and nine grandchildren.

She was a great lover of flowers, and many a bud and blossom were culled by her own hand, and carried to neighbor and friend to cheer them in sickness and in health with their sweet fragrance and many a garland has been entwined for our "Boy in blue". She was a kind and helpful neighbor, ever ready to lend a helping hand to those in need.

The funeral services were held in the pres. Church Wednesday afternoon conducted by Rev. McGregor, where there were a large assemblage gathered, and followed the remains to the cemetery.

In Memoriam:
Death has again entered our circle and taken our friend, Mrs. Awilda, wife of Mr. Jonathan White, who passed from earth to her reward, April 15, 1907.

She was a charter member of the Ladies Missionary Society of the First Presbyterian church of Hanover, Ill.

The society loses and earnest, willing worker, and the church will miss her presence and kindly fellowship.

May the lesson of her life come home to us all; "Be ye therefore ready also for the Son of man cometh at an hour when ye think not."

RESOLVED, That we bow in submission to the will of our Heavenly Father who deeth all things well, believing that she had fully completed the work the Master gave her to do.

RESOLVED, That we cordially sympathize with the bereaved husband and sister, and may the gracious presence of the Comforter abide with them through the remainder of life's journey.

RESOLVED, That a copy of these resolutions be given the bereaved husband and sister, placed on the records of the Society, and published in the JOURNAL.

Mrs. Emily F. Miller, Mrs. J. W. White and Mrs. Ellen Reynolds