Anna Einsweiller Sieben Greten
Hastings Gazette 7 August 1897 (Hastings, MN)

Mrs. Peter Greten, of New Trier, died last Sunday evening from cancer, after a protracted illness, aged sixty-six years. Miss Anna Einsweiller was a native of Luxemburg, Germany, and married twice at Galena, her first husband George P. Sieben, who died in that city; the second was Peter Greten who died last October. She was an old resident of Dakota County, greatly beloved by all her neighbors and acquaintances, and the loss is deeply felt by those who intimately knew her. Mrs. Greten leaves three sons, John Sieben, of Wabasha, J. G. Sieben, of Hastings, and Peter Greten, of Vermillion, all married. The funeral was held fom St. Mary's Church on Tuesday, at half past nine a.m., the Rev. Gregory Koering officiating.

Submitted by Jack McGill