Charles HOMRICH -Jumps From High Bridge Into River.
Tragic and Sad Death of Charles Homrich Occurs Saturday Night. Body is Found To-Day.
Victim is Son of Louis Homrich of Galena--Gloom of Sorrow is Cast Over Entire City.
Galena has been deeply grieved over the Louis Homrich family bereavement in the sudden and tragic death of Charles Homrich, one of the best liked young men in Galena. Death was caused by drowning in the Mississippi river between Dubuque and East Dubuque about 11:30 o'clock Saturday night, Sept. 22. The body was recovered at nine thirty o'clock Monday morning near East Dubuque and was brought to Galena for burial after an inquest had been held in East Dubuque, conducted by Deputy Coroner James E. Furlong.
The first intimation Galena had of the tragedy was a telephone call to the Mayor's office about midnight Saturday night from the bridge tender on the East Dubuque-Dubuque High bridge, stating that a car bearing a Galena City license number had been seen to stop at the center of the high bridge and the occupant leave the car and jumped into the river. The Ford machine was locked when the bridge man and another party who had also seen the act from a distance, began an investigation. The night officer, Roy Barnett and others tried to locate Walter A. Homrich of the First State bank to go to the bank to look up the number of the car but could not find Mr. Homrich who was out of town. Finally the number was secured as it proved to be the car driven by Charles Homrich. Louis Homrich, the young man's father was then notified and later Walter Homrich arrived in the city and they immediately went to Dubuque in company with a large number of friends where search was started.
Every effort to obtain the body seemed of no avail and the anxious suspense was telling upon the stricken family. A reward was offered by the father for the recovery of the body. Quite a number worked all day yesterday and kept up the search until the body was found this morning.
It is indeed of the saddest occurances that has befell Galena for sometime and has solicited the sympathy of everyone. Charles Homrich was a native Galenean, and was born Sept. 23, 1896; a man of friendly and kindly disposition. : He always having a good word for everyone. For a number of years he has been associated with his father in their extensive monument business traveling over the territory which has given him an unusually wide acquaintanship. As father and son Mr. Homrich and Charlie were really a pair of chums as well as business associates.
About a year ago as Mr. Homrich was oiling a machine in the monument shop a piece of the machine struck him on the head, giving him quite a blow and considerable pain at the time. He seemingly recovered from the blow for a few weeks but later developed severe and continuous pains in his head which would not allow him to sleep. The suffering and loss of sleep was wearing on the young man. The best of medical examination and treatment was given him, also X-Ray pictures taken but nothing unusual could be found to cause the severe pains.
Saturday night Mr. Homrich spent an hour at the Mayor's office visiting his friends as he was in the custom of doing and left at ten-thirty o'clock, going up street in his car.
Mr. Homrich was a member of the various Masonic bodies of Galena and Rockford and was well thought of by all his Masonic brethran and was also a member of the B. P. O. E. and the Woodmen of the World. Besides his father, Louis Homrich, the young man is survived by his brothers, Grover on a farm near Galena, Walter A. Homrich, Galena, and Leslie A. Homrich who is attending Yale University, Harry Homrich, Beaver Dam, Wis. and two sisters, Mrs. Thomas A. Garnett, Galena and Mrs. Charles Wenzeker, Detroit.-The Galena Daily Gazette, September 24, 1923.
Submitted by Kathy Kuroda