Charles W. CHARTER-Former Galena Man Dead.
Charles Charter Dies At Home in Wichita, Kansas.
Chas. W. Charter died at the home of his son, Adelbert in Wichita, Kansas, Feb. 17, and was buried beside his wife who passed away two months ago. He was born Sept. 9, 1834, in Tolland county Connecticut. In October 1858, he was married to Miss Mary Catherine Rodgers with whom he had seen fifty years of married life. He served in the civil war in Co. E, 142nd Regt. of Ill. Vol., and also in the 11th Regt. of Ill. Cavalry. Mr. Charter was a resident of Galena, Ill., for twenty-seven years previous to moving to Wichita about seven years ago. He was well known in JoDaviess county, having been engaged in putting up windmills in all parts of the county. He was a Post Commander of E. D. Kittoe Post, G. A. R., of Galena, and a member of Eggleston Post, G. A. R. of Wichita.
Funeral services were held Friday, Feb. 19th, being conducted at the home of his son by the Rev. Dr. Pickard and at the grave by the G. A. R. Four children-one son and three daughters-Adelbert of Wichita, Mrs. Andrew Crawford of Galena, Mrs. Peter Brinker of Fremont, Neb., and Mabel of Wichita, together with fourteen grand children, survive him. An older daughter, Mrs. Louis Homrich, passed away about ten years ago.-The Galena Weekly Gazette, February 25, 1909.
Charles W. CHARTER- Charles W. Charter Dead.
Charles W. Charter, for many years a resident of Warren, and later of Galena, died at the home of his son Adelbert, at Wichita, Ks., on February 17, 1909, aged about 74 years. While a resident of Warren deceased followed the carpenter trade, and also the windmill and pump business. He was a member of company E of the 142nd Ill. Inf. and later re-enlisted in company M, 11th Ill. Cav. He had lived in Wichita about seven years, moving there from Galena. His wife died about two months ago. They had been married over fifty years. He leaves four children, Adelbert of Wichita, Mrs. A. Crawford of Galena, Mrs. P. Brinker of Fremont, Neb., and Mabel of Wichita. Mrs. Louis Homrich, a twin sister of Adelbert, died about twelve years ago. -Warren Sentinel Leader, February 24, 1909.
Submitted by Kathy Kuroda