The Galena Gazette, May 8, 1934

Funeral of Dr. R. C. Burton

Masonic burial services for the late Dr. Richard C. Burton, physician in Savanna for more than half a century, were held Sunday afternoon at Greenwood Cemetery, Galena, with the Galena lodge in charge. Funeral services were conducted at 2 o'clock at the family home on Washington Street, Savanna with Rev. Royal J. Synwolt, pastor of the Methodist Episcopal church, officiating.

A quartet composed of Mrs. Albert M. Greison, Mrs. Garfield Watson, Paul Daley and T. P. Madsen sang "Oh love that will not let me go" and "Rock of Ages" at the rites held in the home. Casket bearers were T. P. Madsen, Charles Hathaway, A. A. Fitz, and William Bailey.

Among the out of town relatives and friends at the last rites at Savanna were Mr. and Mrs. A. J. Millhouse, Mrs. H. Whitmore and son, Clyde, Mr. and Mrs. Fred Grimm, Mr. and Mrs. Andrew Reifsteck, of Galena, Mr. and Mrs. Brown Jenks of Clinton, IA., Mr. and Mrs. E. C. Wearing of Freeport.

Dr. Burton was born 84 years ago in Galena, ILL, the son of Thomas and Elizabeth Evans Burton. He graduated from the Bennett Medical School in Chicago, and came to Savanna a year later. Dr. Burton served as city health officer for a number of years. During his illness he was cared for by Miss. Minnie King housekeeper in the Burton home for 33 years. Dr. Burton died Friday at his home, 318 Washington Street; following an illness of infirmities of old age.

He leaves two sisters, Mrs. A. J. Millhouse and Mrs. H. Whitmore of Galena, one brother, John Burton of Upland, Calif., many relatives and a host of friends. Mrs. Burton preceded him in death six years ago.

Submitted by Jennifer Heer Norman -