Respected Galena Lady Dies at Her Home on Meeker Street Thursday Evening
Mrs. Eliza Callahan-Smith died at her home on Meeker street at 11 o'clock Thursday night, March 16, 1916, after a long illness. She was born in Ireland 70 years ago and came to the United States when a little girl. She was married to Hugh Callahan and after his death was married to Michael Smith who died several years ago. The deceased is survived by the folowing children: E. J. and T. H. Callahan, Dubuque, Ia; Hugh of Waterloo, Ia., Joseph, Charles and Miss Nellie of Galena, and Mrs. Joseph Powers of East Galena. The funeral will be held Monday morning at nine o'clock at St. Michael's Catholic church and interment will be in the East side Catholic cemetery.

Services for Mrs. Eliza Callahan-Smith Observed at St. Michael's Church.
The funeral of Mrs. Eliza Callahan-Smith was held this morning at 9 o'clock at St. Michael's Catholic church, Rev. Father Kern officiatin. Interment was made in the East side Catholic cemetery by the following sons and son-in-law who acted as pall bearers: Edward Callahan, Thomas Callahan, Charles Callahan, Joseph Callahan, Hugh Callahan and Joseph Powers.

Submitted by Mike Birkett -