Frank Fowler Miller was the oldest son of Robert and Emily Miller, both deceased, and was born Nov. 19, 1864 on a farm four miles west of Hanover. At the time of his death he was within a few weeks of his 53 birthday.
His whole life was lived in this community. When he was six or seven years of age his parents moved to a farm two miles southwest of Hanover which became their home. Here, on the home farm, he grew to manhood, and after the death of his father, which took place when Frank was sixteen years of age, the burden of responsibility to a large extent rested upon him.
Mr. Miller was united in marriage to Eleanor Phillips, July 3, 1890. He continued farming for a few years and then moved to Hanover where he resided until the time of his death. Seven years ago he purchased the Hanover Bakery which he operated, in partnership with his son, until the time of his death.
Mr. Miller was a quiet, industrious man. He lived an upright life and in all relations of life was kindly considerate of others. In business he was courteous and obliging. Mr. Miller was widely known and well liked. He has left a good name to his posterity and will be held in affectionate remembrance by his many relatives and a wide circle of friends. In early life he became a member of the First Presbyterian church of which his parents were charter members.
Besides his wife he leaves to mourn his loss, one son, Robert Leslie who was associated with his father in business and two daughters, Florence La Salle who is teaching school in Fairdale, N. D. and Eleanor White of the Sophomore class of the Hanover High School. Also three sisters: Miss Hattie, Mrs. J. D. Calvert of Hanover, and Mrs. Thos. McGregor of Dubuque, Ia.; and two brothers; George E. of El Dorado, Kan. and Chas. W., of Dillon Mont.
The funeral service conducted by Rev. S. M. Host, assisted by Rev. McBride, was held at the First Presbyterian church Sunday afternoon, Oct. 28 at 2 o'clock. The church was filled to overflowing. The music was rendered by a male quartet consisting of H. White, Wesley Eastman, Wallace Calvert, and Lester Duell. The following young men, Austin, Raymond and John Phillips, Wallace Harold Calvert and Park Miller, relatives of the deceased, acted as pall bearers.
There were many beautiful floral tributes; interment was made in the Hanover Cemetery. The family have the sympathy of the whole community in their bereavement.
The following relatives from out of town attended: George E. Miller, El Dorado, Kan.; Rev. Thos. McGregor, wife and son, Dubuque, Ia; W. A. Phillips and three sons, Savanna; Miss Mary Dawson, Rockford; Mr. and Mrs. Chas. Hammond and Mr. and Mrs. Clyde Parker, Stockton; Harold Calvert, Camp Grant.