The funeral of Mrs. Hattie Oatway was held on Nov.22, she having died the Wednesday preceding. She had been in poor health all during the summer months, but wasn’t thought to be failing until the last few weeks, so her death was a surprise to many of our town people. She was the wife of George Oatway, and had lived in Warren for a long while, but had recently moved to the edge of town where Mr. Oatway could have more land to work. Her strength however was not efficient and soon she began to grow worse until her death.
The funeral services were held at the Methodist Church of which she was remembered. The text, Jeremiah XV “He that has gone down while it was yet so young,” seemed appropriate. Despite of the storm, there was a large attendance for she had a large number of friends.
Harriet Oatway born Aug.9, 1876
Died Nov. 29, 1901
Buried Elmwood Cemetery Warren, Jo Daviess County, Illinois