Iver Jensen, born at Copenhagen, Denmark, May 19, 1844, died at
his home in Warren, Illinois, after a lingering illness, Feb. 21, 1913, aged
68 years, 9 months and 2 days. Forty five years ago deceased came to
America and settled at Scales Mound. For the past thirty years he had made
his home in Warren, following the business of a merchant tailor. May 28,
1869, he was joined in marriage to Mary Jane Tresidder, who survives him and
laments the loss of a kind and loving husband. Among other relatives who
mourn his death are 3 brother, 3 sisters and 7 children and a number of
grandchildren. The children are James Albert, Dunbarton, Wis.; Carl, Nora;
Arthur and Wilbur at home, and Mrs. Mayme E. Leland, Rollo, MO.; Mrs. L.
Weaver, Port Huron, MI.; and Mrs. Carrie Keeton, Grinnell, IA. Two children
have been called to the other land. Deceased was confirmed in the Lutheran
Church in Denmark and lived an honest, industrious, upright christian life.
The entire community joins in sincere sympathy for the bereaved family. The
funeral was held Sunday, Feb. 23, from the M.E. church, Rev. Clarence Miller
officiating, Rev. L.A. Miller assisting. Interment was made in Elmwood
Contributed by:
Lucy Weaver