Obituary - Galena Gazette 28 Sept. 1895

John Honohan died at his home in East Galena at 9 o'clock Friday evening, of cancer of the stomach. He felt ill two months ago and failed gradually until the end came. He was a successful farmer and a well known and esteemed citizen of Galena, having resided here more than forty years. From the time he was taken sick it was known by his family and friends that his malady was incurable.

Mr. Honohan was 63 years of age and was a native of County Carlow, Ireland. When a young man he came to this country, and he arrived in Galena on the first passenger train that ever entered this city, in October, 1854. The train was in charge of Conductor Wm. Thayer, who still runs on the Illinois Central between Chicago and Dubuque. Mr. Honohan devoted himself to farming and for years resided on the turnpike three miles from the city. Eight years ago he bought a farm one mile east of the city on Hanover road, where he has since resided.

After his arrival in Galena Mr. Honohan married Miss Bridget Daley, who survives him. They have one child, Miss Mary Honohan, who is a well know school teacher of this county. He is also survived by two brothers, one living in Ireland and the other in New York. He was a faithful and consistent communicant of the Roman Catholic church and was a member of the Irish American Benevolent society of this city since its organization in 1873.

The funeral wll be held to-morrow, leaving the family residence at 2:30 o'clock, and services will be conducted in St. Michael's church, Rev. J. E. Shannahan officiating.

Submitted by Mike Birkett