John J. Sproule from the Stockton Herald News
Obit- 2/24/1916- Galena Weekly Gazette

John J. Sproule died at his home on the hill Monday evening at ten o'clock after a lingering illness. He was born in Galena in 1846 and has resided upon a farm in Rawlins for the greater part of his life, retiring just a few years ago. He is survived by his wife and the following children: Mrs. W.D. Honohan, Mrs. J.A. Shewbridge and Mrs. O.G. Leach of Chicago, Miss Hattie Sproule, Spokane, Wash; Samuel Sproule, Portland, Oregon; Mrs. Florence Blumentritt, Chester, Minn.; Andrew, Cyrus, Loretta, and Marcella in Galena. A son, John, preceded his father to the grave a few years ago. His is also survived by two brothers, Andrew and Samuel, both of Rawlins, and Mrs. N. C. Wilson, Sydney, Ia. The funeral will be held Thursday morning at nine o'clock at St. Michael's Catholic church and interment will be made in the East side Catholic cemetery.

Submitted by Nancy Meyers

Obit - Benton Advocate - Sept. 25, 1914.

The people of the entire community were stricken with grief on Monday evening, September 14, when the message came that John Sproule had been drowned at Buncombe. He had left his home Monday morning to visit his farm at Milbrig and on his way home he had to cross the Fever River at the Federal mine. The river had risen during the day overflowing its banks, on account of the heavy downpour of rain. He had crossed the bridge safely and as he entered the water on this side of the bridge he and his team were swept down the stream.

The men from the mine went to his rescue but it was all in vain as he never rose again from the water. Men searched all night and on Tuesday morning hundreds of relatives and friends from Benton, Galena and the entire vicinity searched for his body. In vain they searched Tuesday, Wednesday and Thursday morning. At 1 p.m. Thursday they found his body lodged in the water near Milbrig. The remains were taken to Benton and prepared for burial.

Funeral obsequies were held from the Thomas Farrey home at 11 a.m. Friday to St. Patrick's church where the services were conducted by Rev. Father Bergen after which the remains were laid to rest in the adjoining cemetery. The funeral was attended by a large number of friends coming to pay their last tribute of respect and love. The W.C. O.F. and C.O.F. of Benton and the K. of C. of Galena, of which he and his wife were members, attended in a body. The beautiful floral offerings showed the high esteem and respect in which the deceased was held.The deceased was born in Galena where he spent the greater part of his life until he was united in marriage with Olga H. Farrey Aug. 20, 1913. He leaves to mourn his loss his wife and infant daughter of Benton, his father and mother Mr. and Mrs. John Sproule of Galena, seven sisters and three brothers, Andrew and Cyrus of Galena; Samuel and Harriett of Portland, Ore; Mrs. W. D. Honahon, Mrs. J. A. Shewbridge, Mrs. O. G. Leach of Chicago; Florence, Loretta, Marcella of Galena.Mr. Sproule had a kind, loving, happy disposition which made him a friend of all who knew him. He was a loving son and perfect husband. Death has severed the tender ties, but there is one happy thought that sheds a radiance of light to the members of his family, and that was his exemplary life and his fidelity to the Catholic church of which he was a member. The pall bearers were twelve in number, six chosen from the C.O.F. of Benton, Messrs. H. Grotkin, C. Sherwin, A.C. Piquett, P. Baxter, A. Coulthard, and R. Whaley, and six from the K. of C. of Galena, Messrs. J. Orschid, Fred Orshid, Ed O'Neil, B. Eberhart, Chas. Alexander and Tom Berry.

*This was followed by a poem and a Card of Thanks from the Sproule's and Farreys.