Obit., Galena Gazette, 2/14/1890
James Rooney
Obit., Galena Gazette, 2/14/1890 ( listed as James in funeral notice)
Daniel Rooney died at his home on Dodge street at 10 0'clock to-day. His illness was very brief and was chiefly caused by heart trouble. He was an old resident, having lived on a farm near Benton many years before removing to Galena, where he has resided about twenty years. He was born in Ireland in the year 1800 being consequently in his 90th year. His wife and a large family, all grown, survive him. The children are James and Daniel, engineers on the Northwestern living at Madison; Frank, of Benton; Mrs. John McGrain, of Leadmine; Maggie and Jennie, who are at present in Denver, Col.; Mrs. Meloy, of Dubuque county; Mrs. Wm. Gleason and Mrs. Joseph Stierman, of Galena. A brother and nephew of deceased, John and Frank Rooney, who also formerly lived at Benton now live in Peosta, Iowa, and with the absent daughters have been summoned to attend the funeral. His three sons were with him when he died.
Announcement of the funeral will appear later.
Galena Gazette, 2/17/1890
A number from abroad attended the funeral of James Rooney to-day, among them his sons Frank, of Benton, Daniel and James and the latters wife, from Madison; his brother John and wife, and his nephew Frank and sister, from Peosta, Iowa; his daughter Margaret, from Denver; and the following from Benton; Mr. and Mrs. John McGrane, Phillip Carr and family, John Swift, John McMahon, Mrs. B. Maguire and daughter Annie.
At 10 o'clock to-day the funeral services of James Rooney were held at St. Michael's church, where high mass of requiem was solemnized by Rev. Dr. O'Callaguan. The procession was a lengthy one and proceeded to the East Side cemetery, where interment was made. Mr. Rooney's daughter arrived from Denver Sunday night.
Obit., Galena Gazette, 3/29/1899
Aged Galena Lady Expires at her Home on High Street This Morning.
Mrs. Rooney is Survived by Ten Children, Three of Whom Reside in This City.
Through the agency of death Galena has again been bereft of one of its oldest and esteemed residents in the person of Mrs. Margaret Rooney, whose demise occurred at her home on High street, between Gear and Spring streets, at 8 o'clock this morning from deseases incident to advanced age. The good old lady had passes through the experiences attendant upon almost eighty years of life adn a most useful and well spent life it has been. A faithful wife, a fond mother, a kind neighbor has gone from among us. A devout Catholic, her life was consistent with her faith, and when the shadow of the great destroyer of all things animate hovered near, her sublime faith in Him who comforts the sorrowful, served to console and strengthen her for the impending change.
The subject of this sketch was a native of Ireland where she grew to woman's estate and was united in marriage with her late husband, who passed away about nine years ago at the great age of 90 years. About forty-five years ago she with her husband came to America and settled on a farm at Benton where they made their home until twenty-two years ago when they took up their abode in this city in the residence where death found her this morning. She is survived by ten children. They are, Mrs. John McGrain of Leadmine, Wis., Mrs. Isabel Meloy of Yankton, S.D., Mrs. Beggin of Flander, N. D., Misses Margaret and Jennie at home, Mrs. William Gleason of this city, Frank Rooney of Leadmine, Wis., Mrs. Joseph Stierman, of Dubuque, James Rooney of Madison, Wis., and Daniel Rooney of Baraboo, Wis. The two latter are railroad men and arrived in the city last night.
The funeral will be held from the family residence at 2 o'clock on Friday afternoon to St. Michael's church. Interment will be made in the East Side cemetery.