Mabel CHARTER-Death of Former Galena Lady.
Mrs. Andrew Crawford received word of the death of her sister, Miss Mabel Charter, at Gonda, India. No particulars were received.-The Galena Daily Gazette, February 26, 1917.
Mabel CHARTER-Mabel Charter Dead in Lucknow, India
Formerly She Was a Student in the Fairmount College--Took Up Mission Work
A. W. Charter of 318 Cleveland Avenue, received a cablegram early this morning announcing that his sister, Mabel Charter, had died in a hospital at Lucknow, India after an operation for appendicitis. Mabel Charter was born in Galena, Ill., in September, 1884, and came to Wichita with her parents fifteen years ago. She had attended high school at Galena and entered Fairmount College upon her arrival to Wichita. Later she graduated from College but continued her work with different missionary societies, in which she had become interested while attending school. Three years ago she received her first charge, a small school in the interior of India, and left her home to take up her chosen work. She had charge of many schools during her three years in that country and had made many friends among the natives. She had also partially mastered the native language, which was spoken by most of her charges. Miss Charter was working for the St. Paul Mission Society and had charge of a school of eighty-six girls of the higher caste of Indian society at the time of her death. She was stationed at Gonda, India, sixty miles northeast of Lucknow. After a short illness Miss Charter was operated on for appendicitis in a Lucknow hospital February 22. She died February 24 of peritonitis. No funeral arrangements have been made yet and it is not known whether the body will be brought to the United States for burial.-The Wichita Beacon, February 27, 1917.
Submitted by Kathy Kuroda