Martha (Farnham) CHARTER-Mrs. E. A. Charter, wife of E. A. Charter, and daughter of Mr. and Mrs. L. F. Farnham, died at her home near Warren last Monday afternoon, after an illness of several weeks of puerperal fever.  The deceased had lived near Warren from a child and was highly esteemed by a large circle of friends.  She was about forty years of age, and had lived a consistent christian life.  The funeral occurred today (Wednesday) at 1:30 p. m. from the family residence.-The Warren Sentinel, September 10, 1885.

A Card

I desire hereby to express my thanks to the neighbors and friends for the timely good and efficient aid rendered during the sickness of my family.   Also for the many floral designs brought in as tokens of sympathy in our bereavement.  For all of which, time will never efface from our memories.  E. A. Charter-The Warren Sentinel, September 17, 1885.

Submitted by Kathy Kuroda