When news was circulated last Thursday afternoon that Mrs.
Simeon Spencer had passed away, many of our citizens were very sorry, although
it had been known for sometime that her recovery was impossible. Yet, for all that we would like to keep our
loved ones with us, but an all – wise Providence decrees otherwise. Mrs. Spence had been in delicate health for
one year. Every effort known to the
Medical Profession was made to check the ravages of the disease, and all that a
loving husband, sons and daughters could do, was unavailing. Besides the husband, she leaves to survive
two sons and two daughters---John and Fred, residing on the family homestead in
Council Hill, and Mrs. A.J. Ford of Guilford, and Mrs. E.J. Martin of Scales
Mound. A more suitable obituary will
appear in a later issue of this newspaper.
The funeral services were held at the M.E. church at 1:00, Saturday
afternoon. June 17, conducted by Rev. T.C Warrington, and interment was made in
Council Hill Cemetery. The pall bearers
were George Redfearn, Jr., Thomas Tippet, Ira Smart, Charles Youle, James
Williams and J.A. Adams.
By the death of Mrs. Simeon Spencer at her home in Scales
Mound, Illinois on Thursday, June 15, 1911, many have been called to mourn the
departure of a most highly esteemed neighbor and friend. This sad event, sooner or later, the lot of all
people, completed a beautiful life of almost three score and ten years. Mrs. Spencer’s maiden name was Mary
Lupton. She was born in Yorkshire,
England, May 23, 1842 and came to America with her parents, brothers, and
sisters, in 1846, when only four years of age.
On landing in New Orleans, they took passage on a steamer up the
Mississippi River for Galena, Illinois.
After spending a few weeks with friends in that city, the family located
in Council Hill Township, becoming one of the most respected and honored
families of the community. She was the
last surviving member of this pioneer family, and her body now rests besides
those of her father, mother, four brothers and a sister in the Council Hill
Cemetery. One brother, Samuel Lupton,
is buried at Woodlawn Cemetery in Toledo, Iowa.
On Christmas day, December 25, 1863, she was united in
marriage to Simeon Spencer who survives her, and mourns the departure of a
faithful wife and helpmate after a journey together of over 45 years. Four children mourn the departure of a good
and devoted mother. They are: Mrs. Amos J. Ford of Guilford, Mrs. Edward
Martin of Scales Mound, John S. and George F.; (Fred) Spencer, both of Council
Hill. A daughter died in infancy. Mrs. Spencer united with the Methodist E.
Church at Council Hill, near her home in 1883.
Mrs. Spencer was of a retiring disposition, but interested in every good
cause. Since the winter of 1909 -1910,
Mrs. Spencer had been in declining health, resulting from a severe case of
Lagrippe. Marked vitality prolonged the
struggle, during which she was cared for by a husband and children and a
cousin, Mrs. Mary Reed, of Apple River.
At last her longed for release came, and she was at rest.