Mary (Rodgers) CHARTER-Former Galena Lady Dead.
Mrs. Charles Charter Dies At Wichita Kansas, Thursday.
Mrs. Chas. Charter, a former Galena resident, died at the home of her son, Adelbert in Wichita, Kansas, Dec. 9th at the age of 70 years. She is survived by her husband to whom she was married fifty years ago the 24th of Nov., one son, Adelbert, and three daughters, Mrs. Andrew Crawford of Galena, Ill., Mrs. P. H. Brinker of Fremont, Neb., and Mabel whose home was with her parents at Wichita. Two other daughters preceded her to the beyond, one who died in infancy and Mrs. Louis Homrich, who died some ten years ago. Interment was made in Wichita. The family removed from Galena about five years since.-Galena Daily Gazette, December 12, 1908.
Mary (Rodgers) CHARTER-Mrs. C. W. Charter Dead.
Mrs. C. W. Charter, who has been a resident of Wichita for a number of years, died yesterday at the home of her son, A. W. Charter, 218 Cleveland avenue, aged 72 years. Her death was due to general debility. The deceased was born in New Jersey, but later moved to Connecticut and then to Illinois before she finally came to Wichita with her husband and family, six years ago. She leaves her husband, C. W. Charter; a son, A. W. Charter, and three daughters: Mrs. A. W. Crawford of Illinois, Mrs. T. H. Brinker, of Tremont, Neb., and Miss Mabel Charter of this city. Mr. and Mrs. Charter celebrated their golden wedding anniversary the 22nd of last October. The funeral arrangements have not yet been completed.-Wichita Eagle, December 10, 1908.
Submitted by Kathy Kuroda