Sarah Hunter Frazer
Wife of the Late Hon. Samuel Frazer Expires at Her Home Friday Night.
Mrs. Frazer was 83 Years of Age and a Highly Respected Resident of Galena for Many Years.
Hrs. Sarah J. Frazer, wife of the late Hon. Samuel Frazer, departed this life at her home in this city Friday evening at half-past eleven o'clock. she had been in poor health for over two years but no alarming symptoms developed until last Thursday when a change for the worse took place and last night she passed away.
Her maiden name was Sarah J. Hunter, and she was born in Swaledale, England, March 20th, 1927 {typo-should be 1827}. she immigrated to this country and was married in this city to Mr. Frazer in 1856. Seven children were born to her namely, Mrs. Mary Dodds, Robert E. Frazer, Samuel G. Frazer, Benjamin G. Frazer, Mrs. Lydia Wilmouth, Thomas Frazer and Mrs. Sarah Raw, all of whom survive her excepting Sarah Raw, who died some seven years ago.
She was a consistent member of Grace Episcopal church, and will be buried from there on Monday next, at 2 o'clock in the afternoon, the funeral procession leaving the house at 1:30 o'clock.
In addition to the above relatives, she has a brother, Thos. Hunter, of Benton, Wis. To those who know her best it is needless to speak, and it is no eulogy to say that a kind, loving mother and a nobel christian woman has passed to her reward.