Warren Sentinel Leader Vol. 55 No.17 Wed. June 7, 1911 Front page column 4
Comrade William H. Woodworth died at his home in this place Friday noon, June 2, 1911 after a long lingering sickness, aged about 76 years. The funeral occurred the following Monday, under the service of the G.A.R. interment being made in Elmwood Cemetery.
Comrade Woodworth was a veteran of Company E,15th Ill. Inf., and was among the first men from Warren to enlist in the service of his country. He contracted Rheumatism from exposure in the service and was a constant but patient sufferer from that disease to the day of his death.
A suitable obituary will be prepared for publication next week.
Warren Sentinel Leader Vol. 55 no. 18 June 14, 1911 page 4 column 3
Was born in Plainsville, Ohio, April 18, 1837, and died in Warren, Illinois, June 2, 1911, aged 74 years 1 month and 14 days.
He was the oldest son of Luther P. and Marcia Woodworth and came to Warren with his parents in 1851. His early life was spent on the home farm, southwest of town. He worked at the mason trade until he enlisted April 12, 1861, in the 15th Illinois Infantry. On account of disability he was discharged May 12, 1863.
He was married to Samantha E. Coverly of Warren, October 30, 1873. Not being blessed with children they raised from infancy Charles S. of Winslow and Hattie M. of Warren. They also made a home for six years for two nieces Martha and Milre Covery of Spokane, Washington.
He leaves to mourn his death, besides his wife and two foster children, one brother and three sisters, Benjamin B. Goodrich, North Dakota; Mrs. Martha Brininger, Warren; and Mrs. Inez Elston, Arnold Park, Iowa. He also leaves a number of other relatives. Mrs. Thos. Sherk, deceased, was a sister.
The funeral services were held at his late home Monday, June 5. Rev. Holt and Rev. Reid officiated. The G.A.R. conducted the services at the cemetery. Comrades Robert Renwick, Robert Drake, H.S. VanDewort, G.W. Pepoon. James Hicks and John Foster were the honorary pall bearers. The following young men were the active pall bearers, Frank Boone, George Wilson, Frank Clock, Edwin Clock, Louis Pepoon, and George Pepoon.
Comrade William H. Woodworth was, probably the first man in Warren to enlist in the service of the United States in 1861, when the news was received that Fort Sumpter had been fired upon and that President Lincoln had issued a call for 75,000 volunteers. The call for volunteers was filled before the company in Warren was organized so it first went into the State service and about two weeks later became company E. of the 15th Ill. Vol. Inf. He participated in all the experienced of the regiment until after the fall of Vicksburg, as narrated in our recent diary from Comrade A. Spencer, Marshfield, Mo. Because of Rheumatism which affected him all the balance of his life, he was discharged from service May 12, 1863, but remained with his regiment until July 6. He was greatly reduced in flesh that he weighed but 86 pounds when he reached home.
With his life in Warren, and on his farm, those who know him are familiar. He was a man always interested in town and public affairs and believed it was a duty a citizen owed his country to attend public gatherings, caucuses, conventions, and meetings and give voice to ones sentiments. In public affairs he was always an uncompromising republican, and he gave freely of his time and money in support of what he believed to be right in political affairs. In matters of business he was always prompt and reliable, and in personal friendships he was warm and true.
He was a charter member of Thos. E. Champion Post 315 G.A.R. , Dept. of Illinois, and a member of Jo Daviess Lodge 278 A.F. and A.M. During the years since his discharge from the U.S. Army he was incapable of manual labor on account of disability acquired in the service. He was a great reader and kept himself well informed as to public affairs. In the deal and personal contact he was always deserving in his disposition and yet firm in his convictions of what he thought was right and honorable. Not only his immediate family but all those who knew him as a friend will remember him as one deserving their highest confidence and esteem. He was a familiar figure in our town for the past fifty years and more and will be missed by old and young.
Card Of Thanks
We wish to express our heart felt thanks to our many neighbors and friends for the kindness and sympathy shown us during our deep sorrow and for the beautiful floral tributes sent.
Charlie and Hattie
Resolutions of Respect
Whereas, we the members of Thomas E. Champion Post 315, G.A.R., Dept. of Illinois, have been called upon to surrender comrade Wm. H. Woodworth, of Co. E., 15th Ill. Vol. Infantry into the hands of the Grand Commander of the Universe, be it.
Resolved, that in the death of Comrade Woodworth our post has lost a faithful and loyal member and our community a law abiding and desirable citizen.
Resolved, that we tender our deepest sympathy to his widow and children, and in memory of his many virtues our headquarters will be draped in mourning for the usual period of time.
Resolved, that this tribute be placed upon our record, a copy to be sent to the bereaved family, and the same published in the Warren Sentinel Leader.
B. Services
Dave Slothower
Oscar Robbins
Resolutions of Respect
Whereas, it is pleased the Great Commander to remove from our earthly ranks our beloved Brother Wm. Woodworth, therefore, be it.
Resolved, by Mary Todd Lincoln Tent No. 17, Daughters of Veterans, that while we bow with humble submission to his Will, we mourn the loss of a honored member, a sympathetic friend, a respectable citizen.
Resolved, that the heartfelt sympathy of the Tent be extended to the family in their hour of sorrow.
Resolved, that these resolutions be spread on our records, our charter be draped for thirty days, a copy be sent the family of our Brother, also a copy be sent to the Sentinel Leader for publication.
Clara B. Silver
Maude M. Taylor
M. Grace Anschutz
Warren Sentinel Leader Wednesday June 21, 1911 Vol. 55 No. 19 Front Page Column Four
Correction- in the obituary of the late Wm. Woodworth published last week the name of one of his sisters was omitted. The list should have read: Mrs. Martha Wing, Rush , Mrs. Alida Brininger, Warren, Mrs. Inez Elston, Arnold Park, Iowa.