Funeral Held Here Tuesday For Bowden
Charles A. Bowden, 80, a resident of Glenfield, died in his home there Saturday evening after an illness of several weeks, the cause of death given as a myocardial failure.
Funeral sevices were scheduled for 2 p.m. Tuesday in the Federated church, Carrington, the Rev. Harold Eastburn officiating. Burial was to be in Carrington cemetary.
Born in Joe Davis county, Illinois, Oct. 30, 1880, Mr. Bowden resided for some time at Hampton, Iowa, before his marriage Nov. 2, 1904, at St. Louis, Mo., to Jessie Hopkins. The couple homesteaded in the Oberon vicinity, residing there until 1931 when they moved to a farm near Carrington. In 1942 the Bowden's moved to Glenfield and operated a farm there until 1957, when they retired and moved to the town of Glenfield.
Survivors are his wife; two sons, Henry of Grand Rapids, Mich., and Frank, Juanita; and one daughter Mrs. Adolph Balvitsch, Carrington. Knott Funeral Home had charge of arrangements.
The Foster County Independent, Carrington, North Dakota
Submitted by Mark D. Walen