Body of Soldier Arrives in Galena
Remains of Byron Spencer Who Died in England Will Be Interred in Greenwood Cemetery
The body of Byron spencer, son of Mr. and Mrs. James W. Spencer of Dubuque, arrived in Galena this morning accompanied by Pvt. H. M. Huffman of Camp Dix, N. J. as an escort. Pvt. Spencer went to war from Maquoketa, Jackson County, Ia., and died in England Sept. 29th, 1918, at the age of 29 years. The cemetery in which Spencer was buried in England was to be moved, and the bodies contained therein were shipped to the United States. Mr. and Mrs. Spencer were given the choice of having their son's body buried in the Army cemetery in Virginia or having it brought to their own home cemetery. They asked to have the body brought to Galena.
Mr. Spencer viewed the body this morning and was thoroughly satisfied that it was that of his son. He said that he is perfectly pleased with the manner in which the body was taken care of, it being incased in an oak, copper lined case, this being inside of a heavy rough box.
The body was taken to the chapel in Greenwood cemetery this afternoon where services will be held tomorrow morning at 10 o'clock, Rev. W. W. Liston officiating. The services will be private with the exception of military services which will be conducted by the Herman Fichbohm Post, A. L.
The young soldier is survived by his parents and one brother, Raymond Spencer at Colorado Springs, Colo.