East Dubuque Register, 8 Jul 1926
The funeral services for Charles A. Heller were conducted at the home at Frontress Lake last Friday afternoon by Rev. George Guide, pastor of the Methodist church. During the service Lew Schwartz sang the hymns, "in My Garden" and "In My Father's House Are Many Mansions," the accompaniment being played by Mrs. William Hockman of Fort Dodge.
Interment was made in the local cemetery. The pallbearers were William Wuenacher, Matt Frankland, James Tobin, Ben Kuhl, James Cof-lin> and John Bonnef. Honorary were {illegible} from the Modern Woodmen of America and they conducted a brief service at the grave under the leadership of R. H. Heller and Ben Werner. Members of the Jo Daviess Board of Supervisors and the Farm Bureau attended the funeral in a body. Out-of-town people at the funeral were Fred and Mrs. Louis Biesmann, William Heller, Mr. and Mrs. Richard Heller, Henry Heller, Mr. and Mrs. John Bucher, Mrs. William Heller and family, Louis Heinrick, all of Galena, Mrs. William Heckman, {illegible}, Mrs. Louis Stolte, Rockford, Mr. and Mrs. Thomas Fenwick, La Salle, J. B. Cook, Mrs. Alvin Stuart, Farley, Mrs. August Maxwell and family, Epworth, Mrs. Arthur Haines, Lemmon, S. D.
Resolution of Respect to the Memory of Charles A. Heller
State of Illinois
County of Jo Daviess, Illinois
Whereas, It has pleased an all wise Providence to remove Charles A. Heller, Supervisor of Dunleith, by death, and
Whereas, He was a capable and efficient officer faithful in the performance of his duties, and affable in all his relations with us as members of the Board of Supervisor.
And therefore let is be resolved, that we, the Board of Supervisors of this county express our deep regret at his loss and extend to his bereaved family our sincere sympathy in their bereavement.
And be it further resolved, that these Resolutions be spread upon the Records and that a copy of the same be sent to the family of the deceased.
C. E. Gray, C. W. Norris, R. H. Reed
Wife Elisabeth Anise Cook
Born 19 Feb 1870 in Durango, Dubuque, Iowa
Died 12 Jul 1920 in East Dubuque, Jo Daviess, Illinois
Galena Weekly Gazette, 15 July 1920
Mrs. Charles Heller died at her home at Frentress Lake, Monday morning at 9 o'clock, following an illness of only one day.
The deceased was born in Rurango {sic, Durango, a city in Dubuque county} in 1870 and has resided at Frentress Lake for 20 years. She was married to Charles Heller, 32 years ago. Mrs. Heller was a member of the Royal Neighbors.
She is survived by her husband and two daughters, Mrs. William Kroll and Mrs. Frank Walski, both of Frentress Lake, one brother, Wilmer Cook of Dubuque and three sisters, Mrs. Frank Ritter and Mrs. Arthur Maginnis of Frentriss Lake and Mrs. Harry Fritscher of East Dubuque.
Well Known Woman Passes Away On Monday After Only One Day's Illness
Mrs. Charles Heller died on Monday morning at 9 o'clock at the family residence at Frentress Lake following an illness of only one day. Mrs. Heller was born at Durango, Iowa, in 1870, and has resided with her family at Frentress Lake for the past twenty years.
She was married thirty-two years ago to Charles A. Heller of this city. She is survived by her husband and two daughters, Mrs. Kroll and Mrs. Frank Walski, both living at the home, and who, with her husband, have been most devoted and attentive to the departed through her long and patient suffering.
She leaves also one brother, Wilmer Cook of Dubuque, and three sisters, Mrs. Arthur Maginnis, Mrs. Henry Fritschler, and Mrs. Frank Ritter, all of this city.
Mrs. Heller was a member of the Royal Neighbors of America, and had many friends who will be grieved to hear of her sudden demise.
Funeral services were held at the family residence at Frentress Lake on Wednesday afternoon at 2 o'clock. Interment was in East Dubuque Cemetery. The officiating clergyman was the Rev. J. S. Lilley, who paid a splendid tribute to the deceased, emphasizing two qualities of her character, namely, cheerfulness and charitableness. Mr. Schwartz of Dubuque, sang two solos very effectively, "Beautiful Isle of Somewhere" and "Asleep in Jesus." The floral offerings were magnificent, and the very large attendance of friends showed how greatly the deceased was esteemed. The Royal Neighbors assisted in the obsequies.
Without pain and with no regret but to leave behind her those whom she loved so dearly, Elisabeth Heller, beloved wife of Charles A. Heller, passed away at her Frentress Lake home Monday morning at 9 o'clock.
Elisabeth Cook was born in Durango, Iowa, in 1870, and was married to Charles Heller thirty two years ago. To this union two daughters were born, Mrs. Will Kroll and Mrs. Frank Walski, who mourn the death of a loving wife and mother. Mrs. Heller's illness dated back a few years and all that loving hands could do was done for her. The end, when it came, was as peaceful as sleep after a day of toil. Mrs. Heller possessed a noble and upright character ever thoughtful of others. Her death leaves a void in the hearts and lives of her sorrowing relatives and friends that can never be filled. The smile she gave those who visited the lake will be missed and it can truly be said that she goes to her reward without a word of reproach to her memory.
A brother, Wilmer Cook of this city and three sisters, Mrs. A. McGinnis, Mrs. Frank Ritter, and Mrs. Henry Fritchler of East Dubuque, survive.
The funeral of Mrs. C. A. Heller will be held from the home at Frentress Lake Wednesday afternoon at 2 o'clock. The interment will be in the East Dubuque Cemetery. Rev. Willis will officiate at the home and graveside. Friends...(cut off)
HELLER -- Mrs. Chas A. Heller, at her home at Frentress Lake, Monday morning at 9 o'clock. Funeral services will be held Wednesday afternoon at 2 o'clock at the family residence. Burial in East Dubuque Cemetery.
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Lizzie (Cook) Heller and Daughter Lucille