Galena Daily Gazette 16 May 1895

An Old Resident Gone

Mrs. Catherine Connor, one of Galena's oldest residents, passed away at her home on the East Side Wednesday evening at 8:30 o'clock, aged 84 years. Notwithstanding her advanced years, she preserved a remarkable vitality until a week ago, when she was attacked by neuralgia, which affected her heart and causes her death. She died painlessly and peacefully, surrounded by her children.

The deceased was a native of County Armagh, Ireland, and her maiden (name) was Catherine Fagan. She came to this country in her youth and was married to Patrick Connor in Philadelphia. They came to Galena in 1836-almost sixty years ago-and she was at her death one of the oldest remaining settlers of this region. At an early date they settled on a farm on the Elizabeth road at the foot of what is still known as Connor's hill, six miles from the city. There they lived until advancing age induced them to retire from active work, and they then removed to the city. The death of Mr. Connor took place in February, 1891.

Three children survive them-Mrs. Edward Levins, the wife of one of the most prominent farmers of Elizabeth township, Mrs. Wm. Fleming, who lives on the old homestead, and Miss Caroline Connor, who has always lived with and cared for her aged mother. Mrs. Connor was a sister of the late John Fagan, a well known citizen of Galena, who died in 1891. She was a devout and consistent member of the Catholic church.

The funeral will be held to-morrow from the residence to St. Michael's Catholic church, where services will be held at 10 o'clock.

Galena Daily Gazette
17 May 1895

City Chat

The funeral of Mrs. Catherine Conner was held at 10 o'clock from her late home to St. Michael's Catholic church, where a High Mass of Requiem was celebrated by Rev. J. E. Shannahan. The interment was made in the East Side cemetery. Messrs. Jas. Halloran, John Ross, Patrick Ward, T. J. Annetts, Jas. McCabe and Michael Callahan officiated as pall-bearers.

Submitted by Tim Doser