Conny O'Ryan Dead
Well Known Old Galenian Dies Tuesday Night
Cornelius Murly, known to nearly every one in Galena as Conny O'Ryan, expired at the county hospital on Tuesday night after a lengthy illness incident to the infirmities of advanced age. The decedent was probably a native of Ireland, but came to America in an early day, locating in New York. He enlisted in the Union army from that state during the war of the rebellion, and served faithfully as a member of General Kilpatrick's famous cavalry force. Soon after the close of the war he came to Galena where he made his home until the year 1886, when he was declared to be suffering under a mild form of insanity occasioned by a sunstroke while in the army, and was sent to the county farm where he has since resided until mustered out by death. He was keen of wit and an entertaining conversationalist, though owing to his infirmities, inclined to be quite eccentric.
The funeral will be held at 9 o'clock on to-morrow forenoon from the undertaking establishment of Armbruster & Ross to St. Michael's Catholic church, and will be in charge of the E. D. Kittoe Post, G. A. R. Interment will be made in the East Side cemetery.
Note: "Murly" is not a typo.
Also note: Cemetery listing on website is as follows: