Death of Mrs. Catherine Ryan
The many friends of Mrs. Catherine Ryan will be pained to hear of her death which occurred on the East Side Friday night. The deceased had been in poor health for some years, but it was not thought that the end was so near until last Thursday evening when she suddenly began to fail, and died as stated above, her ailment being heart failure. She leaves to mourn her, two daughters and two sons - Mrs. M. J. Monahan, of Clinton, Ill., Mrs. E. Grimm of this city, and Joseph and Will Ryan of Freeport.
The funeral will be held from St. Michael's church at two o'clock tomorrow (Sunday) afternoon. Interment in the East Side cemetery.
Around About the City
The funeral services to the memory of the late Mrs. Catherine Ryan were held at 2 o-clock on Sunday afternoon at St. Michael-s church and were conducted by Rev. Father Harrington. Many old-time friends of the departed pioneer lady were present. At the conclusion of the sad last rites at the church, the remains were conveyed to the East Side cemetery where interment was made.