D. A. Barrows Dead
D. A. Barrows, one of the oldest and most respected citizens of Galena died this morning at 4 o'clock. He has been ailing for a long time with a combination of affections incident to old age, but not until recently has he been confined to the house. Mr. Barrows came here at an early day, and after being in several pursuits he formed a partnership with D. A. Taylor in the saw mill business where the mill still stands. This was prior to 1860. A few years ago they separated, and with all the funds available he transformed the old woolen mill into a saw mill for the manufacture of lumber. The investment proved unprofitable, and the mill passed from his hands. While he operated the mill he was one of the hardest workers around. He was often seen wading about breast deep in water to save his lumber in floods. His age is about 70 years.
In all his transactions Mr. Barrows is represented as a strictly honest man, and it is certainly true that, though finally unsuccessful himself, he has been one of the best citizens Galena ever had for the promotion of her interests. He leaves hosts of friends who will regret his death. Four daughters and one son survive him. Nearly twelve years ago, Mr. Barrows' wife died at the old homestead on Bench street, later his aged mother departed this life there and since then his fourth daughter, Maria, died there. The oldest daughter, Frances, is married and living in New England, and his son Frank resides in Colorado. The other members of the family are residents of this city. We are informed that Mr. Barrows had a large insurance on his life.
Submitted by Tim Doser.