Death of Mrs. George Bodell
Dies Wednesday Afternoon, Oct. 7, at Home on Field Street
Mrs. George Bodell, who passed away yesterday afternoon at one-twenty o'clock at her home on Field street after a long illness, was born May 24, 1860 and was united in marriage with George Bodell at Hazel Green fifty years ago last June.
Mrs. Bodell was the mother of ten children, two of whom have passed to the Great Beyond, leaving eight surviving, namely George Bodell, Detroit, Mrs. W. H. Wilke, Prairie Du Chien, William Bodell, Vinegar Hill, Mrs. Henry Heller of East Galena, Mrs. Harry Henderson, and Mrs. Roy Vandervate, Dubuque, Mrs. Joseph Russell, Chicago, and Walter Bodell of Rockford. Mrs. Bodell is also survived by fifteen grand-children.
The deceased was a home-loving mother, her main object being to care for her family and assist in all worthy causes. She was a member of the First Methodist church in Galena which she attended regularly until illness forbid.
The funeral will be held Saturday afternoon, two o'clock at the home and 2:30 at the M. E. church. Burial will be made in the family lot in Greenwood Cemetery.