Galena Daily Gazette
4 May 1897

Accident Causes Death

Edward Brown Succumbs to Injuries Inflicted Last Week

Edward Brown died at his home on Meeker street half an hour before noon to-day of injuries inflicted in a runaway accident on Monday, April 26th. The injuries were of an internal nature, apparently a crushing of the lungs, due to a heavy timber by which Mr. Brown was pinioned. He was a veteran employe of D. A. Taylor and on the fatal morning had resumed work after three months’ enforced idleness causes by rheumatism. Within an hour of the time he began the day’s work the accident occurred. He was loading a lumber wagon from a car in the Illinois Central yards when the team took fright at a passing train. His efforts to check them were vain. He was thrown from the wagon and a wheel passed over his body and a timber rolled off and fell on his prostrate form. He was carried home in a buggy. An examination showed there were no bones broken, but it was evident he was seriously hurt internally and a fatal termination was apprehended.

Mr. Brown was in his sixty-ninth year. He was born in Germany, July 23, 1828. Leaving his native land when a young man, he settled in Galena forty-five years ago and all his future life was spent here. Many years ago he entered the service of the present Taylor lumber firm and has been with it almost constantly. He was an industrious, faithful employe, and as a citizen earned the respect of all who knew him. He was a volunteer Union soldier, enlisting in Co. F, 96th Ill., from which he was transferred to Co. H, 21st Ill. He was a member of E. D. Kittoe Post, G. A. R.

The marriage of Mr. Brown with Miss Maggie Green took place in Galena in August, 1857. Their family consists of two sons, Edward and Albert of this city, six daughters—Mrs. J. T. Fleming of West Superior, Wis., Mrs. Gene Wolford and Mrs. W. Crawford of Dubuque, Mrs. Henry J. Brown of Galena, Mary and Emma at home. All are here except Mrs. Fleming. One son, James, died in St. Paul last year.

The funeral services will be held Friday at 9:30 o’clock in St. Mary’s Catholic church on Franklin street. It is expected the old soldiers will attend.

Submitted by Tim Doser.