Galena Daily Gazette, 5 Mar 1892
After Long Suffering Mrs. George C. Biesmann Passes Away
Mrs. George C. Biesmann, wife of the well known cigar manufacturer, died at her home on Franklin street an hour after midnight this morning. She had been a great sufferer. Seven years ago she was stricken with paralysis, and for the last five years of her life was a helpless invalid.
Mr. Biesmann was 48 years of age. Her maiden name was Louisa Heller, and she was born Sept. 5, 1843, at Altenbritungen, Sachs-Meinningein, Germany. In 1861 she came to this country with her mother and brothers, landing at New York April 26th. On the 17th of March, 1863, she was married at Hortonville, N. Y. to Mr. Biesmann, who had crossed the ocean on the same ship with her. They came to Galena in 1867, and she resided here from that time until her death.
She was the mother of nine children, of whom seven survive. They are William F., who assists in the management of his father's extensive business, Maggie, Richard, George, Louis, Fred, and Emma. She has four brothers, Charles, of Galena, William, of Rice, Henry, of East Dubuque, and Richard of Dubuque. Her aged mother also survives and makes her home with Mr. Biesmann. The deceased had been a member of St. John's Lutheran church ever since its organization. She was a lady of admirable qualities, devoted to home and family and always considerate of the welfare and happiness of those about her. While to her death was a release from suffering by all who enjoyed her acquaintance the early demise of this excellent lady will be deeply mourned.
The funeral will take place Monday afternoon at 2 o'clock from St. John's church on Bench street.
Husband George Casper Biesmann
Born 02 Aug 1843 in Breitugen, Thuringen, Germany
Died 08 Jan 1922 in Galena, Jo Daviess, Illinois
Galena Daily Gazette, 9 Jan 1922
Well Known and Highly Respected Galena Citizen Expires After Long Illness
Was Proprietor of Leadmine Cigar Manufactory for Many Years ---Prominent in Masonic and I. O. O. F. Lodges
After a long illness, the soul of George C. Biesmann has taken its flight to celestial realms above, and the tired body is at rest. Mr. Biesmann suffered for many months of an incurable ailment and on Sunday morning, January 8th, peacefully passed away and a city of friends join with his immediate family in mourning his departure.
While it was long known that this genial, kind-hearted old citizen could not again recover, yet his pleasant smile and friendly greeting was confidently looked for at his home, by those with whom he was wont to chat for a few moments when he was able to walk about his premises and both smile and greeting will be missed.
George C. Biesmann was born in Germany, August 2, 1843, consequently was in his seventy ninth year at his death. He arrived in New York, April 26, 1861, settling in Sullivan County, where on May 15, he was married to Eva Louise Heller, to which union nine children were born, 5 boys and 4 girls. On April 26, 1867, Mr. Biesmann with his wife and two children, Mrs. Biesmann's mother and her two brothers, William and Charles Heller, arrived in Galena which has since been their home. Mr. Biesmann became a full fledged American citizen at the earliest possible moment, just five years and 29 days after his arrival in this country and none can ever say that he was not at all times a model citizen. In 1867, he with his brother in law, R. H. Heller conducted the pleasure resort known as the Galena Garden, near the head of Franklin street and in 1869 they started the Cigar factory which is now known and the Leadmine Cigar Factory, on the hill moving to Main street in 1870, since which time it has been under his personal supervision until incapacitated by illness and age from conducting it himself. Mr. Biesmann became a member of Steuben Lodge, No. 321, I. O. O. F., in 1868 and served as its secretary for twenty five years. In 1873 he became a charter member of what is now St. John's Lutheran church and retained his membership up to his death. In 1874 he first became a member of the Masonic organization and rapidly took all the degrees in the various Masonic bodies, and as his was an exceptionally bright mind, he held every office in the various Masonic bodies for years, and was always in demand when work in the degrees was being done, and until actually incapacitated by the infirmaties of age was ready and willing to do what he could do for this order which he seemed to love as much as life itself. He lived its teachings, and taught its precepts to its fellow members by whom he was loved as loyally as he justly deserved. In public life he held the office of supervisor and City Treasurer, which positions he filled with credit.
Mr. Biesmann was married twice, his first wife departing this life in 1892, after seven years of illness. In 1893 he married Mrs. Anna Hirst, who died in 1913, since which time he made his home with his daughter, Mrs. Emma Heineke and during his long illness he was tenderly cared for by her, until she too was taken seriously ill and since then the devotion of her husband, Fred Heineke was such as could not have been excelled by any one, nor could he have received better care at the hands of a trained nurse than he received from him. Mr. Biesmann leaves to mourn his taking away, three sons and one daughter, George, Louis, and Fred and Mrs, Fred Heineke, all of this city and one stepson Raymond Hirst, also of this city, together with a host of friends.
The remains will be taken to Masonic Hall this afternoon and the funeral services will be conducted at that place tomorrow afternoon by the Odd Fellows' Society and at the grave by the Masonic fraternity. Services at the hall will begin at 2:00 o'clock.
GEORGE C. BIESMANN is a fine representative of the self-made men of this county who have worked their way up from poverty to comparative affluence. He now has a fine business as a cigar manufacturer in the city of Galena, and has made for himself a pleasant, cosy home here. He is of German birth, born in the Province of Saxony, Aug. 2, 1843. His father, John Adam Biesmann, was a native of the same place, and was there reared and married Elizabeth Mueller, who was also born in Saxony, becoming his wife. The father was a cabinet-maker and followed that trade until his death. Six children were born of his marriage, of whom the following five grew to maturity: Christiana, August, Anna Margaret, George C., Frederick. The subject and his brother Fred were the only ones that ever came to America, He of whom we write was well educated in the schools of his native land, which he attended until he was fourteen years old. At that age he began to learn the trade of cigar maker, serving little more than a year, and after that he learned the trade of glazier, at which he worked until past seventeen years of age. His thoughts often turned towards the United States of America as land where he might secure more adequate payment for his labor, and deciding to try his fortunes here, he set sail from Bremen, March 21, 1861, and landed in New York the 26th day of April. At that time be had but three dollars in his pocket, but his courage was good and he was determined to earn an honest living by doing whatever came to his hand, and with that spirit he had no difficulty in finding employment, and engaged in a variety of occupations for a time, such as chopping wood, railroading, and working in a tannery. He was very ambitions to become independent, so saving his money he bought twenty acres of land in Sullivan County, and at that time marrying and securing a capable wife, who has been to him a true helpmate, he settled on his little homestead, and with the assistance of his wife soon finished paying for it. In 1867 Mr. Biesmann sold his place in New York, and came to Galena in the month of April. In the fall of that year he commenced the manufacture of cigars on a small scale, with his brother-in-law as a partner, he and his wife both working at the bench, and from that small beginning has sprung his present business, wherein he employs about twenty hands. March 15,1863, our subject took a step in life that had an important bearing on his future prosperity, as on that data he was united in marriage to Miss Louisa Heller, who, like a true wife, has made her his interests her own, and has worked faithfully by his side to assist him in the upbuilding of their comfortable home. Their happy married life has been blessed to them by the birth of the following children, namely: William F., Margaret, Richard, Louis George, Frederick, Emma, Lizzie and Bertha -- the latter two being deceased. Mrs. Biesmann was born in the same German province as her husband, and came to America with her mother, brothers, and sisters in 1861; and her mother now resides with her.
Mr. Biesmann is a man of sterling worth and exemplary habits, and has ever been true to his obligations as a citizen, as a friend, as a husband, and as a father. He and his wife are members in good standing of the St. John's Lutheran Church, and are zealous in its support. Mr. Biesmann has held offices of trust among his fellow citizens, being elected Supervisor in 1878, and City Treasurer of Galena during the years 1885-1886. Mr. George C. Biesmann was succeeded by his son William F. in the office of City Treasurer, and held the office one term of two years, when the father was again chosen in the Spring of 1889 for one term. Mr, Geo. C. Biesmann, our subject, is a member of Miners' Lodge No. 273, A. F. & A. M.; Jo Daviess Chapter No. 51; Galena Commandery Knights' Templar No. 40, of which subject was Eminent Commander for three years; also Steuben Lodge No. 321, I. O. O. F., and Galena Encampment No. 132, I. O. O, F.; also a member of the Turner Society of Galena.
He Stole Cigars (News Article)
Date: 1889-01-18; Paper: The Daily Inter Ocean
Galena, Ill, Jan 17, Special Telegram
For some months past the wareroom of George C. Biesmann, cigar manufacturer of this city, has been mysteriously plundered from time to time of boxes of stamped and unstamped (cut off)
Galena Commandery (News Article)
Date: 1886-12-04; Paper: The Daily Inter Ocean
Gaena, Ill, Dec 3
The following officers of Galena Commandery, No. 40, KT, have been elected for the ensuing year: Eminent Commander George C. Biesmann; ...
Eva Louise Heller
George Casper Biesmann
Descendants of Eva Louise Heller & George Casper Biesmann
William Frederick Biesmann
Born Feb 1865 in New York City, New York
Died 08 Sep 1916 in Galena, Jo Daviess, Illinois
Galena Daily Gazette, 8 Sep 1916
Widely Known Citizen and Business Man Expires Early This Morning At Home on South Bench St
Manager of Turner Opera House and Held Positions of Trust -- Was 54 Years Old
William Frederick Biesmann died at his home, 709 South Bench street this Friday morning, Sept 8, 1916 at 4 o'clock, being 54 years of age.
Though Mr. Biesmann has had several attacks of sickness in the past few years and has been ill with the last attack for many weeks, his death came as a shock, for even Mr. Biesmann and his family thought that until yesterday he would survive this last spell sufficiently to be around and attend to business again. He was about the house Thursday and felt no different than he has the past few weeks until seven o'clock in the evening when he was taken with the violent attack that brought his life to a close.
William F. Biesmann was born in New York City and came to Galena with his parents, Mr. and Mrs. George C. Biesmann when four years old.
After attending the public schools, until seventeen years of age, he went to work for his father, selling Leadmine Cigars on the road. Later he became a partner in the large and growing business and from that time on has devoted his best efforts in doing his share in conducting the business.
The subject of this sketch was united in marriage with Miss Emma Claussen, daughter of Mr. and Mrs. C. J. Claussen, on May 15, 1888, and to them three children were born, namely, William Alfred, New York City; Ida M. and Florence, Galena, who with his widow survive; also his father, George C. Biesmann, one sister, Mrs Fred Heinecke, three brothers, George L., Louis, and Fred W. Biesmann, all of this city.
Mr. Biesmann has a wide acquaintance in Galena and the surrounding county for he was a man who knew how to make friends and hold them when once made for his disposition was cheerful, he was not afraid of work for his own good or for the good of others, and took interest in many public matters, political and otherwise. When twenty five years of age he was elected City Treasurer and held this office for several terms. He served as secretary of the Board of Education for many years and in this work and in the public schools he took a deep interest. He was a member of the old Turner Society and upon the death of Mayor Charles Sheerer, was elected as manager of the Turner Opera House and in this work he also took pride in raising the standard of the productions that have been making Galena. He was instrumental in having needed improvements made to the opera house. Though in ill health he did not give up the management but made all arrangements for the last offering at the opera house.
Though a decidedly busy man Mr. Biesmann found his recreation and enjoyment in his lodge work, being a Mason, Shriner and a member of the Galena I. O. O. F., joining that order March 24, 1886, and attaining the highest honor, that of Past Noble Grand. He joined Miner's Lodge No. 273 A. F.& A. M. March 3, 1893, and was a past master of that body; Jo Daviess Chapter No. 51 R.A.M., Jan 25, 1894, and was a Past High Priest of this body; Ely S. Parker Council, No. 60, R. & S. M., Feb. 27, 1902; Galena Commandery No. 40 Knights Templar, June 7, 1894, and became a Past Commander of this body. He was a member of Tabala Temple, A. A. O. N. of M. S., Rockford, and the Lodge of Perfection, Freeport. In all lodge work the deceased was not satisfied at being a member in namely only, but once becoming a member strove to get all the good and do all the good in the order that he could and his ambition was to reach the highest plain in any order as far as he went. All his brothers will bear witness to the fact that he had succeeded. Upon the establishment of the Benevolent Protective Order of Elks in Galena, Mr. Biesmann became a member and like in the other lodges he worked to the top being Past Exalted Ruler and also a member of the Board of Trustees at the time of his death. He was also a member of Spring Street Hose Co. No. 5. He was a member of St. John's Church and taught a Sabbath school class for a number of years.
Though Mr. Biesmann enjoyed his lodges and derived any amount of benefit there from this did not distract from the love of his home and his family, for they constituted his earthly shrine and no kinder or more considerate husband and father could be desired by any family.
The date and hour of the funeral have not been made, pending word from his son who is enroute from New York at the present time, though it is know that Masonic services will be held at the grave in Greenwood cemetery.
Anna Margaretha Biesmann
Born 26 Jan 1866 in Hortonville, Sullivan, New York
Died 25 Sep 1908 in Galena, Jo Daviess, Illinois
Galena Daily Gazette, 26 Sep 1908
Miss Margaret Biesmann Dead
Daughter of Geo. C. Biesmann Dies At Home on Dewey Ave
Miss Margaret Biesmann died about 9:30 o'clock Friday night at the home of her father, Mr. George C. Biesmann on Dewey Avenue.
Anna Margaret Biesmann was born in Hortonville, New York on January 26, 1866. When she was about a year old, her parents came further west and located in Galena, which city had been the home of the deceased since that time. During her childhood, she contracted the scarlet fever, which left her constitution in a weakened condition and she had been an invalid for the past thirty years or more.
Miss Biesmann is survived by her father, and stepmother, Mr. and Mrs. George C. Biesmann, five brothers and one sister. These are, W. F., Richard, George L., Louis and Fred Biesmann, and Emma at home. Two sisters died in early childhood, and the mother passed into the beyond on March 5, 1892. The deceased was a member of St. John's Lutheran Evangelical church and took an active part in church work when able to do so.
Funeral services will be held on Monday afternoon at 2 o'clock from St. John's Lutheran church, Rev. Martin Pilz officiating.
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Richard H Biesmann
Born 23 Sep 1871 in Galena, Jo Daviess, Illinois
Died 16 Oct 1909 in Galena, Jo Daviess, Illinois
Galena Daily Gazette, Monday, 18 Oct 1909
Well Known Resident Succumbs to Typhoid-Pneumonia Saturday
The death of Richard H. Biesmann which occurred at four o'clock Saturday afternoon, while not unexpected, came as a shock to the members of his family and his many friends. But a week before he had been in apparently good health, but was taken ill on Saturday the 9th inst. with typhoid-pneumonia. Every effort was made to combat with the disease but without success and death occurred Saturday afternoon.
The deceased was born on Sept. 23rd, 1871, the son of Mr. George C. Biesmann. As a young man he was in the employ of his father in the Leadmine Cigar factory, and being desirous of learning railroading, he secured employment in the Illinois Central shops at Burnside crossing. Subsequently, he became fireman and later night conductor on the Burlington stub, which positions he held for several years. A few years since, Mr. Biesmann suffered a severe and prolonged illness, from the effects of which he never fully recovered. Since that time, he has been working for his brother, George Biesmann. A man of unobtrusive disposition, he made many friends an was esteemed by all who knew him. Hhis death will be regretted not only by his own family but by many throughout the city.
Mr. Biesmann is survived by his father, four brothers, W. F., George L., Louis G., and Fred W., and one sister, Mrs. Fred Heinecke. He was a member of Miners Lodge No. 273, A.F and A.M., and Jo Daviess Chapter R.A.M., as well as the Galena Aerie of Eagles. The services at the grave were in charge of the Masonic order, the service being conducted by District Deputy Grand Master J. W. Oliver of Apple River.
The pallbearers were fellow lodge members and personal friends, and were John L. Biel, George Winters, Elmer May, George Hilgers, Edward C. Thode and William Roddewig.
George L Biesmann
Born 16 Apr 1876 in Galena, Jo Daviess, Illinois
Died 14 May 1960 in Long Beach, Los Angeles, California
Galena Gazette, 19 May 1960
Former Resident Dies
Galena relatives received word of the death of George L. Biesmann, 84, of Long Beach, Calif. Mr. Biesmann died Saturday and the funeral services were held Tuesday morning in Long Beach. He is survived by one daughter, Frances. Galena relatives include two nieces, Alice Biesmann and Mrs. Marguerite Harris; two nephews, Charles and Lawrence Biesmann; and one cousin, Edward Biesmann.
Louis George Biesmann
Born 26 Jul 1878 in Galena, Jo Daviess, Illinois
Died 02 Aug 1924 in Galena, Jo Daviess, Illinois
Galena Daily Gazette, 4 August 1924
Dies at Home on South Bench Street on Sunday Morning
Louis G. Biesmann passed away at his home 618 South Bench street at ten o'clock Sunday morning after an illness extending from March of this year.
Mr. Biesmann was born in Galena July 26, 1878, a son of the late Mr. and Mrs. George C. Biesmann. After attendiing the public schools Mr. Biesmann became associated with his father in the Leadmine Cigar Factory.
On June 21st, 1905 Mr. Biesmann was united in marriage with Miss Margaret Gear of this city, who with four children, Clayton, Alice, Lawrence and Marcus survive. Mr. Biesmann is also survived by two brothers, George L. Biesmann of Long Beach, Calif., and Fred W. Biesmann at home, also a sister, Mrs. Fred Heinecke of Long Beach.
While Mr. Biesmann was a public spirited citizen his chief enjoyment was in his home and family. He was a Charter member of Black Hawk Aeria of Eagles, a veteran of the Spanish-American War and of No. 3 Hose Co. He was also a member of the firm of the Leadmine Cigar Factory. He was a man of many friends who were won by his cheerful, willing disposition.
The body will be taken to Eagles Hall tomorrow morning at ten o'clock, where it will lay in state until three o'clock in the afternoon when funeral services will be conducted by the Eagles. Military honors will be shown at the grave in Greenwood cemetery.
Wife of Louis George Biesmann
Margaret Mathilda Gear-Biesmann
Born 26 Jul 1878 in Galena, Jo Daviess, Illinois
Died 02 Aug 1924 in Galena, Jo Daviess, Illinois
Galena Daily Gazette, Monday, November 4, 1946
Friends and relatives of Mrs. Maude Biesmann were shocked this morning when they learned fo her sudden death from a heart attack which occurred at 11:55 last night at her home on South Bench street. Mrs. Biesmann, who was 66 years of age, lived in Galena all of her life. She possessed many friends, both young and old, acquired through her generosity and thoughtfulness of others.
Born on September 2, 1880, Margaret Mathilda Gear was the daughter of John C. and Margaret (Robail) Gear. She received her education in the Galena public schools, was a member of St. Michael's Catholic church and a member of the Altar and Roary Society.
On June 21, 1905, she was united in marriage to Louis Biesmann of Galena. They were the parents of four children -- who survive -- Clayton, of Los Angeles, Calif., Alice, Lawrence, and Marcus of Galena. She is also survived by one sister and one brother -- Mrs. Lilliam Williams, Madison, Wis., and Clark A. Gear, Galena, Ill. Mrs. Biesmann was preceded in death by her parents, her husband who passed away August 2, 1924; one brother, George Vincent Gear and one sister -- Mary Jane Montgomery.
The funeral service will be held on Wednesday morning from the Nash Funeral Chapel at 8:30 o'clock to St. Michael's church at 9:00 with the pastor, Rev. R. J. Guccione officiating. Burial will be made in Greenwood cemetery, Galena.
Father Guccione will recite the rosary at the Chapel on Tuesday evening.
Friends may call at the Nash Funeral Chapel after seven-thirty this evening.
Son of Louis George Biesmann and Margaret Mathilda Gear
John Clayton Biesmann
Born 28 Jun 1906 in Galena, Jo Daviess, Illinois
Died 15 Nov 1983 in Taormina, Sicily, Italy
Palos Verdes Peninsula News, Thursday Dec. 1, 1983
Peninsula Deaths
John Biesmann
Services will be held Saturday for John Biesmann, former executive officer for the Palos Verdes Estates Board of Realtors, who died Nov. 15 in Taormina, Sicily.
Biesmann, born June 28, 1906, was the board's first executive officer when it was formed in 1960 and served in that position until last year. He is survived by his brother, Marc, who also became active in the board in 1968 and took over when John left.
The two brothers have been traveling since they announced their retirement in July. John Biesmann was a resident of Redondo Beach, as is his brother.
Saturday's Requiem Mass will be held at St. James Catholic Church, Redondo Beach.
The services were held at St. James Catholic Church in Redondo Beach.
Daughter of Louis George Biesmann and Margaret Mathilda Gear
Alice P Biesmann
Born 11 Aug 1908 in Galena, Jo Daviess, Illinois
Died 17 Sep 1979 in Dubuque, Dubuque, Iowa
Galena Gazette, 27 Sept 1979
Alice P. Biesmann, 71, of 616 South Bench Street, Galena, died Monday evening, Sept. 17 at St. Joseph's Unit Mercy Health Center, Dubuque, Dubuque, Iowa.
She was born August 11, 1908 in Galena, and was the daughter of the late Louis G. and Margaret M. Gear Biesmann and was employed as an accountant by the Jo-Carroll Rural Electric Company for 30 years before her retirement in 1975.
Survivors include two brothers, John Clayton and Marcus C. Biesmann, both of Redondo Beach, Calif.
Services were held at 9am Saturday, Sept. 22 at St. Mary's Catholic Church with Father Patrick D. Corbally celebrating the 9am Mass. Burial was in Greenwood Cemetery.
Casket bearers were Harry Ehrler, Raymond Roth, Joseph Feeley, Carl Winter, Richard Spurr, and O. E. Hirst. Altar and Rosary honor guard were Bernetta Temperly, Veronica Strandberg, Vera Wienen, Alvena Addabbo, Irene Feeley, and Vivian Leglar.
Steinke Funeral Home was in charge of arrangements.
NOTE: Vera Beadle-Wienen was her 2nd cousin so it would seem some of the family stayed in touch in the area.
Son of Eva Louise Heller & George Casper Biesmann
Frederick William Biesmann
Born 09 Jan 1881 in Galena, Jo Daviess, Illinois
Died 05 Apr 1938 in Galena, Jo Daviess, Illinois
Galena Daily Gazette, Tuesday, April 5, 1938
Citizens of Galena and the entire vicinity were shocked and deeply saddened by news of the sudden death of Frederick William Biesmann, which occurred at approximately 6:15 at his home on Gear street. A coroner's jury returned a verdict at the inquest this afternoon that Mr. Biesmann had come to his death by his own hands while despondent from ill health. Mrs. Biesmann informed County Coroner Ray Bertsch that her husband had been in ill health for a period of several months which caused him to be very discouraged.
"Fred" or "Fritz" the names by which he was more familiarly known, was generally considered the "happiest man in the world" by his consistent good spirits. He knew everyone and everyone he knew was his friend. His trait of being cheerful to everyone at all times was greatly admired by his many acquaintances.
The many worries included in the office of the Supervisor of the town of West Galena to which he was elected in 1933, and re-elected in 1937, are believed to have contributed greatly to his illness. Fred believed in performing those duties to the best of his ability and he devoted almost his entire life to those services. While a member of the Board of Supervisors, he was on the following committees: Finance, State Attorney, and Beverage Licenses, Officers' Purchasing, Printing, Pauper relief, Fuel and County Superintendent of Schools, and Dance Halls. As a citizen Fred was believed to have been one of the best boosters for Galena this city ever had. Regardless of what was requested of him he was ready at all times to assist in any way that his community spirit could help. As one can be called a true American, Fred could be called a true Galenian. He was an ardent member of the Democratic party and was a candidate for nomination as County Treasurer at the coming primary election. Although his affiliation was with that party, his opinions were very liberal and his political beliefs had no bearing on the discharge of his duties as Supervisor.
Mr. Biesmann was born in Galena on January 9, 1881, the son of the late Mr. and Mrs. George C. Biesmann. He spent his entire life in this city succeeding his father in the manufacture of the famous "Leadmine" cigar. Besides his occupation he was a tuner and repairer of pianos.
He was a member of the Galena lodge of Eagles and served that fraternity for many years in the offices of President and Secretary.
He was married in Galena on June 30, 1903, to Miss Angeline Meneguin, who with the following children will mourn a great loss: his daughters, Mrs. Otto Harris, and Jeanne Biesmann, Galena, and his son, Robert, of Appleton, Wis., and Charles of Dixon, Ill. He is also survived by one sister, Mrs. Frederick Heinecke and one brother George, both of Long Beach, Calif., also three grandchildren, Barbara, Richard and Thomas Harris; four nieces and three nephews.
The funeral announcement will be made later.
Frederick William Biesmann and daughter Peg
Wife of Frederick William Biesmann
Angeline Victoria Menequin
Born 30 Jul 1879 in Galena, Jo Daviess, Illinois
Died 01 Aug 1965 in Dubuque, Dubuque, Iowa
Galena Gazette, 5 Aug 1965
Mrs. Fred (Angeline) Biesmann, 86, of 407 S. Bench St., died Sunday afternoon at Mercy Hospital in Dubuque.
Born in Galena on July 30, 1879, she was the daughter of the late Zephia and Julia Perigo Meneguin. On June 30, 1903, she was united in marriage to Fred W. Biesmann at St. Michael's Church in Galena. He owned and operated the Lead Mine Cigar Factory. At the time of his death, April 5, 1938, Mrs. Biesmann continued running the factory until 1943. She was also employed at various other occupations during her lifetime.
She was a member of the Altar and Rosary Society of St. Michael's Catholic Church, the Central Miraculous Medal Association, and a former member of the Royal Neighbors of America. She is survived by a son, Charles E. of Galena; a daughter, Mrs. Milo (Jeanne) Meier of Rock Island, Ill.; seven grandchildren; ten great grandchildren; two brothers, John Meneguin of Cicero, Ill., and Joseph of Galena; and a sister, Miss Margie Meneguin of Galena.
Funeral services were held Wednesday, August 4 at 9:00am from the Nash-Schmadeke Funeral Home to St. Michael's Church for 9:30am Requiem Mass with the Rev. John Dolan officiating. Burial was in St. Michael's Cemetery. Pallbearers were Allen Specht, Delbert Bussan, Edmund Diers, Frank Einsweiler, Leo Oldenburg and Arthur Myers. (parents: Julia Perrigo and Zephraran Meneguin)
Son of Frederick William Biesmann and Angeline Victoria Menequin
Robert F Biesmann
Born 28 Aug 1904 in Galena, Jo Daviess, Illinois
Died 04 May 1963 in Appleton, Outagamie, Wisconsin
Appleton Post Crescent, 4 May 1963
R. F. Biesmann Dies Today
Appleton Man Was Instrumental In Starting Ball Clubs
Robert F. Biesmann, 58, of 4343 E. Wisconsin Road, who was instrumental in getting and keeping organized baseball in Appleton, died early today at his home.
Biesmann had been on the board of directors of the Appleton Papermakers and later the Fox Cities Foxes since the clubs were started in the early 1940s, and worked closely with the farm directors of the major league teams with which the club was associated. He was secretary of the board of the Papermakers and assistant secretary of the Foxes' board.
Biesmann was born Aug. 28, 1904 in Galena, Ill. He was an employee of the Wisconsin Telephone Co., Appleton.
He is survived by his wife, his mother, two sisters and one brother.
Funeral services will be at 10am Monday, with a solemn high mass at St. John Catholic Church, Little Chute. Burial will be in the parish cemetery. Friends may call at the Verkuilen Funeral Home, Little Chute, after 2pm Sunday.
Galena Gazette, 23 May 1963
Robert F. Biesmann, 58, of 4343 E. Wisconsin Road, Appleton, Wis., died at his home at 4:30am on Saturday, May 4.
Born August 28, 1904, in Galena, he has been employed by the Wisconsin Bell Telephone Co., Appleton, for the past 34 years. Mr. Biesmann was instrumental in getting and keeping organized baseball in Appleton, and was a director of the Fox City Foxes. He was a member of St. John's Catholic Church and the Holy Name Society, Little Chute, Wis., the Knights of Columbus and the Elks, Appleton.
He is survived by his wife; his mother, Mrs. Angeline Biesmann, and one brother, Charles E., of Galena, two sisters, Mrs. Marguerite Harris of Galena, and Mrs. Milo (Jeanne) Meier of Rock Island, Ill.
Funeral services were held on Monday, May 6 at 10am with Solemn High Mass at St. John's Catholic Church, Little Chute, Wis. Burial was in the parish cemetery.
Son of Frederick William Biesmann and Angeline Victoria Menequin
Charles E Biesmann
Born 28 Jun 1906 in Galena, Jo Daviess, Illinois
Died 30 Mar 1992 in Iowa City, Johnson, Iowa
Galena Gazette 8 Apr 1992
Charles E. "Chuck" Biesmann, 85, of Quincy, formerly of Galena, died March 30, 1992 in Iowa City Veterans Hospital in Iowa.
He was born June 25, 1906, in Galena, the son of Fred and Angeline Menequin Biesmann.
He was an employee of Willett-Hoffman Engineering in Dixon and later by the Jo Daviess County Highway Dept. prior to his retirement. He was a veteran of World War II, having served in the European theater.
Survivors include nieces and nephews. He was preceded in death by his parents, one brother and two sisters.
Services were held April 3, 1992, at St. Michael's Catholic Church in Galena, with burial in St. Michael's Catholic Church cemetery. Monsignor Raymond Wahl officiated. Pallbearers were Milo Pluym, Harvey Lewin, and Larry Bush. Steinke Funeral Home was in charge of arrangements.
Daughter of Frederick William Biesmann and Angeline Victoria Menequin
Marguerite L Biesmann-Harris
Born 25 Jun 1908 in Galena, Jo Daviess, Illinois
Died 15 May 1963 in Galena, Jo Daviess, Illinois
Galena Gazette, 23 May 1963
Mrs. Marguerite L. Harris, 301 S. Prospect St., died last Wednesday evening at the Hazel Green Hospital.
Funeral services were held Saturday, May 18, at 9am at the Nash Funeral Home to St. Michael's Church for 9:30am Requiem Mass with the Rev. John Dolan officiating. Burial was in St. Michael's cemetery.
Born in Galena on June 25, 1908, she was a daughter of Mrs. Angeline Meneguin Biesmann and the late Fred Biesmann. Until October of last year she had been employed for the past seven years at the Atwood Vacuum Machine Company at Stockton in the assembly department.
Survivors are her husband, Otto; three sons, Thomas, of Corvalis, Ore.; Richard of Whitier, Calif.; and David of Galena; one daughter, Mrs. James (Barbara) Bartsch of Galena; seven grandchildren; her mother, Mrs. Angeline Biesmann; a brother, Charles, of Galena; and a sister, Mrs. Milo Meier of Rock Island, Ill.
Marguerite Biesmann |
![]() Marguerite Biesmann-Harris and Otto Harris |
Husband of Marguerite L Biesmann
Otto Thomas Harris
Born 25 Dec 1908 in Galena, Jo Daviess, Illinois
Died 23 Nov 1986 in Galena, Jo Daviess, Illinois
Galena Gazette, 26 Nov 1986
Otto T. Harris, 77, of 341 Franklin Street, Galena, died at his home Sunday morning, Nov. 23, 1986.
He was born in Galena on Dec. 26, 1908, the son of Mr. and Mrs. Albert Harris. He is survived by three sons, Thomas, of Helena, Mont., Richard of New Orleans, La., and David of San Francisco, Calif.; one daughter, Barbara Bartsch of Colorado Springs, Colo.; 14 grandchildren and six great grandchildren; and two brothers, Elroy and Marvin, both of Galena. He was preceded in death by his wife, Marguerite Biesman; his parents; one brother, Albert; and one son, Robert.
Services will be held Wednesday, Nov. 26 at 10am at the Furlong Funeral Chapel with the Rev. Daniel Tranel officiating. Burial will be in Greenwood Cemetery.
Father Albert L. Harris (1881-1969)
Mother Grace Lampe (1883-1970)