Galena Daily Gazette
8 December 1890

Mrs. Ellen Mullen Dead

A Resident of Galena for Fifty Years Passes Away

Mrs. Ellen Mullen, a resident of Galena since 1839 passed away at her home on Gear street to-day, after a brief illness, of typhoid pneumonia. She was born in Ireland, but came to this country in early life, her family being among the pioneers of this section. Her husband, Joseph Mullen, was a well known and substantial citizen. He was a currier by trade and in that capacity was employed in the Grant leather store. His death occurred about twelve years ago. He left considerable valuable property on Main street and elsewhere in the city, which will be divided between his two daughters. The lots on which the Meusel block stands were among his property, but were sold several years ago.

Four children were born to them-two sons and two daughters. the sons are both dead, the last one dying in California a little more than a year ago. One of the daughters is a member of the Dominican community at Sinsinawa Mound, in which she is known as Sister Alvirath. The other, Ellen, resides at home. One sister, Mrs. McElroy, also survives her.

Deceased was a woman of true Christian charity, whose kindness was often felt by her neighbors and whose man deeds of benevolence were performed without ostentation and with the sole hope of reaping a blessed reward above.

The funeral will be held Wednesday at 9:30. Requiem High Mass will be offered at St. Michael's church at 10.

Galena Daily Gazette
10 December 1890

Local Matters

The funeral of Mrs. Ellen Mullen took place from her late residence on West street this forenoon. At St. Michael's church High Mass of Requiem was offered, after which interment was made in the Catholic cemetery on the East Side.

Submitted by Tim Doser