Obit., Wed., T.H., 3/9/1910, P. 10
Death on Tuesday evening at nine o'clock claimed John Maguire, aged 64 years, one of the most prominent residents of East Dubuque, and after a brief illness, death being due to two strokes of paralysis sustained on Tuesday, one while Mr. Maguire was at his store in the morning and the second following in the evening at nine, death resulting shortly afterwards.
Mr. Maguire was born in the parish of Mullanghdun, Ireland, in 1841 and came to this country in 1850, settling in Jo Daviess county. He entered into partnership in the grocery business with Thos. Maguire in 1868 and had conducted the business in partnership with his brother from that time forward. Mr. Maguire was at one time alderman of East Dubuque and was for some time a member of the school board there. He was a man of splendid principles, upright and honorable in all of his dealings. He was considered one of the foremost citizens of East Dubuque and a man whose life was of splendid influence for good in the community in which he dwelt for so many years. His death is a shock to the citizens who held him in such high esteem and his memory will long be cherished.
Mr. Maguire was never married. He is survived by his brothers, Thomas Maguire of East Dubuque, James of St. Paul, and Frank of Mitchell, S. D., by his nephews and niece, Attorney D. E. Maguire, Drs., John and J. C. of this city, Henry and Francis of East Dubuque and Mrs. Martin Houlahan of East Dubuque.
Submitted by Mike Burkett