Death of Mrs. Louisa Boggess
Mrs. Louisa Boggess, one of the earliest settlers of Galena, died at her home at Windsor Harbor, a few miles south of St. Louis, Saturday, July 12th, aged 75 years.
Deceased came to Galena with her parents in 1827, and was married to Mr. William Boggess in 1829. Her husband died about the year 1845, and some time after his death she went to Missouri to live with relatives. She leaves one son, William W. Boggess, who is well known in Galena, as he comes here frequently in connection with the wholesale crockery house of Burley & Turrell, of Chicago. The early settlers still living here who were well acquainted with Mrs. Boggess speak of her as a most estimable lady. She was intelligent and accomplished and possessed in a high degree the virtues which adorn womanhood. Her only son was at her bedside at the time of her death and attended the funeral.
Submitted by Tim Doser.