Dubuque Telegrah Herald, 10 April 1929
Louis Vogt, who had been ill for a long time, was summoned by death at the home, 2598 Elm street, this morning at 3:45 o'clock.
The remains may be viewed at Haudenshield funeral home after Thursday noon. Funeral services will be held the following day, the time to be announced later. Interment will be made in Linwood Cemetery.
Mr. Vogt was born in this city, September 21, 1861, and had always resided here. He was married September 28, forty-seven years ago, to Miss Margaret A. Heller, who passed away April 12, 1912. A son, Dr. Louis G. Vogt, Chicago, survives.
Source: Portrait and Biographical Album of Jo Daviess Co., IL (1889)
Louis Vogt, a wide-awake and energetic young business man of East Dubuque, Jo Daviess County, Ill., is the only child of Louis and Elizabeth (Rothermel) Vogt, and was born in Dubuque, Iowa, Sept. 21, 1861. His father was a native of Hesse-Darmstadt, Germany, and came to the United States in 1849, when but seventeen years of age. He received his education in his native country, and on coming here made his way to Detroit, Mich., where he learned the trade of harness-making. After working at that for some time he engaged in the occupation of a butcher, opening a shop at Detroit, which he carried on until 1854, when he removed to Dubuque, Iowa, which he believed to be a better field for business. There he opened a fine meat market, in which he carried on his business until his death, which occurred April 12, 1872, at the age of forty years, while in the prime of a vigorous manhood.
While in Dubuque, in 1858, Mr. Vogt was married to Mrs. Elizabeth Lenz, whose maiden name was Rothermel. The only fruit of this union was our subject. The latter was reared in his native place, and received his early education there. The years 1874 and 1875 were spent in school in Germany. On his return he entered the college at Dubuque, where he remained a year. On leaving school he engaged in the occupation formerly followed by his father, and opened a market in his native town. On the 1st of September, 1887, he removed to East Dubuque, Jo Daviess County, Ill., where he and Mr. Charles Gross embarked in the same business, but our subject subsequently, about August, 1888, bought his partner's interest, and now carries on a large business, supplying the meat for about the entire town.
On the 28th of September, 1882, Mr. Vogt was married, in Dubuque, to Miss Margaret, daughter Mr. and Mrs. R. H. (Fromm) Heller, of Dubuque, where the father carries on a cigar manufactory.
Mr. and Mrs. Vogt are members of the Lutheran Church, as were also his parents. The business of Mr. Vogt in East Dubuque being yet young, he has bought no real estate there, but he owns two fine pieces of property in Dubuque. He has an admirably equipped and well-stocked market, perhaps the best in any town of the same size in the State, and takes great pride in keeping it neat and attractive. Energetic, go-ahead, and liberal in his views, Mr. Vogt is justly classed as a rising young business man.
Submitted by Christa Hughes.