A Pioneer Woman Gone
Mrs. Magdalena Houy of the Houy House Passes Away
Mrs. Magdalena Houy, the owner and manager of the well known Houy Hotel on Hill street, died at her home in the hotel Monday evening at 8:45 o’clock. She had been in ill health several months, but not until a few days before the end did her condition assume a serious aspect.
Mrs. Houy was a native of Heidelberg, in Baden, Germany, and was 65 years of age. Her maiden name was Magdalena Heim. When a young girl she came to this country with her parents, arriving in Galena in 1848. Her marriage to William Houy took place in this city, and in 1856 Mr. Houy built the hotel structure on Hill street which has ever since borne his name. It was successfully managed by them until his death, after which the widow, assisted by her sons, conducted the business. The hotel has long enjoyed the reputation of being one of the best and most popular hostelries in the city.
The surviving members of the family are William Houy and Mrs. A. W. Meusel of this city, Alexander, Katie, Sophie and Carrie, who are unmarried and reside at home. Mrs. Houy also has three brothers, John and Henry Heim of East Galena, and Max Heim of Gordon’s Ferry, and one sister, Mrs. Edward Ruble (Rubel?) of Spring Brook, Ia. Philip Houy of East Galena is a brother of her deceased husband. She was a woman of much executive ability, and kindly to all, and was esteemed by a large circle of friends.
The funeral will be held to-morrow at 2 o’clock. Services at the family residence.
Submitted by Tim Doser.