Taken Away in Early Life
Miss Mary Creswell Dies Quite Suddenly at 7:30 O'clock Sunday Morning
Her Serious Illness was of Short Duration and Her Death Caused Sorrow to Her Many Friends
This community was shocked and deeply grieved when the news gained circulation about the city on Sunday forenoon that Miss Mary Creswell, daughter of Dr. and Mrs. J. J. Creswell, had passed from this life at the family residence on Franklin street at about 7:30 o'clock that morning. Her illness was of very brief duration and her death quite sudden and entirely unexpected by her most intimate friends.
On Tuesday of last week she acted as organist in St. Michael's Catholic church during the funeral services of the late Mrs. Hart. With the exception of a slight cold she was feeling as well as usual at that time, visiting a number of friends during the afternoon, who little dreamed that the grim monster, death, was then so very near her. On Wednesday morning she was sufficiently ill to remain in bed and from that time on she rapidly grew worse despite the best of medical skill obtainable and the most tender nursing until her spirit took its flight at the hour above named. Her untimely demise was caused through an aggravated form of the grip.
Miss Mary Genevieve Creswell was born in Galena some months over twenty-three years ago and all her pure and happy life has been spent here. Naturally bright of intellect she experienced little trouble in acquiring an education as comprehensive as the schools of this city could afford, having graduated from the parochial and high schools with high honors. Her inclinations tended strongly to music of which she had made a careful study for some years prior to her death and had held the position of organist during the past year at St. Michael's church. Kind and loving of heart and gentle in disposition she readily made friends of all with whom she came in contact, retaining them without a conscious effort. Coupled with numerous useful accomplishments she was endowed with a deep religious sentiment and was a close adherent to the doctrines of Catholicism. A pure, sweet life has been rudely blotted from earthly existence and a home is overshadowed by a cloud of sorrow.
The funeral services will be observed from the family residence at 9 o'clock Tuesday forenoon to St. Michael's church at 9:30 o'clock, where requiem High Mass will be celebrated. Interment will be made in the East Side cemetery.