Galena Pioneer is Called by Death
Miss Mary Fitzgerald, one of Galena's oldest pioneers, died Saturday, January 25th, at 2:30 p.m., at the home of Daniel Harney on Franklin street.
Services will be held Tuesday morning at eight-thirty at the Harney home and at nine o'clock a.m. at St. Michael's church.
Besides Daniel Harney, a brother-in-law, with whom she has made her home for the past fifty years, she leaves two nephews, John and Thomas Harney of this city.
Miss Fitzgerald was born in Galena, and always living here has made numerous friends, who with the relatives will miss her very much.
Galena Daily Gazette
28 January 1930
Funeral Held This Morning
The funeral of Miss Mary Fitzgerald was held Tuesday morning with services at St. Michael's Catholic church, Rev. Fr. H. C. Yaeger officiating. Burial was made in St. Michael's cemetery, the following acting as bearers: Ben Knoebbe, Andrew Ganshirt, Fred Oldenberg, Ben Beggin, Anthony Dempsey, and Otto Willy.