Telegraph Herald, Dubuque, Iowa
Tuesday, 5 August 1924.
Death came to Mrs Marie Moffatt, beloved wife of Robert A. Moffatt unexpectedly at the family residence, 2291 Dodge St., Monday evening at 9:30. She was 37 years old. Mrs Moffatt was born in Galena, Illinois, 11 Oct 1886, and has been a resident of Dubuque, since early childhood.
Besides her husband, she is survived by five children, Thomas W., Lenore, Ruth, Grace and Betty Jane, the last an infant of less than three weeks; her mother, Mrs. Mary Heller; four sisters, Mrs Wm. King, Mrs Jos Berkley, Mrs John Hall, all of Dubuque, and Hulda of Spokane, Wash; three brothers, Wm. Heller, Bellevue, Ia., Chas Heller, East Dubuque, Illinois and Edward Heller, Dubuque. Funeral services will be held from the residence Wednesday afternoon at 2:30 o'clock.
Burial will be in the East Dubuque cemetery, casket bearers were Will, Edward, Richard and Fred Heller, John Hall and Will King.
Wednesday 6 Aug 1924
In the list of survivors printed yesterday, the name of Harry Heller, a brother residing in Butte, Montana, was omitted.
Marie Jane Heller