Former Galena Lady Dead
Word Received of Death of Mrs. Johanna C. Mahony Which Occurred in Oklahoma
Made Home With Daughter, Mrs. P. H. Clark at Lawton Where End Came
Mrs. Johanna C. Mahony, relict of the late John Mahony, who for a generation was one of the leading business men of Galena, passed away after a brief illness, at Lawton, Oklahoma, Thursday evening at 6:30 o'clock.The decedent's maiden name was Johanna C. Dillon, and was born in Queens county Ireland, August 22, 1838, and therefore at the time of her death was somewhat over seventy-three years of age. At a tender age, she, together with her parents, brothers and sisters, came to this city and resided here until a few years ago when she moved to the place of her demise to live with their daughter Mrs. P. H. Clark. The late John Mahony died in 1901. All the brothers and sisters of Mrs. Mahony as well as her parents have died, she being the last survivor of a large family. She was ever a faithful member of the Catholic church and died in its faith. She was a woman of Happy disposition and took a keen interest in the raising of her family and in their welldoing. Although somewhat advanced in years, she was always industrious and showed keen interest in business affairs. After removing to Lawton, she had erected a fine residence and acquired other real estate. Mrs. Mahony is survived by the following children: Bartholomew A., Los Angeles, Cal., Mrs. Addie J. Bermingham and Charles P. Mahony of this city, Mrs. Florence Hayden of Dubuque, Iowa, and John M., Leslie W. and Elizabeth of Chicago, and Mrs. P. H. Clark of Lawton, Oklahoma. The remains are expected to arrive in Galena some time Sunday, and will be taken to the home of Mrs. Addie Bermingham. The time of the holding of the funeral cannot be definitely announced at this time.
Galena Daily Gazette
18 December 1911
Funeral Services To-Morrow
Remains of Mrs. John Mahony Arrive From Lawton, Okla.
The remains of Mrs. John Mahony arrived on the Illinois Central last evening and were taken to the home of her daughter, Mrs. Addie Birmingham, on Park avenue. Mr. and Mrs. Philip H. Clark of Lawton Okla., accompanied the remains. John Mahony and wife of Chicago, and Lester Mahony and wife of Chicago, also arrived last evening.
The funeral will leave the home of Mrs. Birmingham at 8:30 tomorrow morning (Tuesday) for St. Michael's Catholic church where services will be held at 9 o'clock.
Galena Daily Gazette
19 December 1911
Funeral of Mrs. John Mahony
Services Held at St. Michael's Catholic Church This Morning
The funeral of Mrs. John Mahony left the home of her daughter, Mrs. Addie Birmingham, 906 Park avenue, at 8:30 this morning, to St. Michael's Catholic church where the funeral service according to the ritual of the Catholic church was held, conducted by the Reverend Father J. A. Shannahan, who also delivered an appropriate sermon in which he paid tribute to the life and character of the departed.
The pall bearers were John Cloran, Joseph Nack, Dan Harney, Thos. Gorman, Edward Clark and John Gorman. Those from abroad who attended the funeral were: Mr. Philip H. Clark and wife of Lawton, Okla.; Mr. and Mrs. John Mahony, Chicago; L. W. Mahony and wife of Chicago; Mrs. C. D. Hayden of Dubuque; Miss Mary Elizabeth Mahony of Chicago; Mr. and Mrs. E. J. Carey of Cedar Rapids, Ia.; Mr. Edward Carey, Sr., Sioux City, Ia.; Mr. John Froelich, Chicago; Mortimer Hayden, Des Moines, Ia.; Donald Hayden, Dubuque; Charles Mahony, Jr., Prairie du Chien, Wis; Miss Julie Rochford, Chicago; John Carey and wife of Cedar Rapids, Ia.