Galena Daily Gazette
11 February 1903

Still A Mystery

Particulars Regarding Death of Mrs. Ireland at Apple River

Mrs. James Ireland died suddenly at her home near Apple River on last Friday afternoon. With her three children at her bedside, one a babe of 7 months, the others aged 5 and 12 years. At about 5:30 p.m. the oldest boy came down town and said he thought his mother was dying. Dr. Grassau was called, but when he reached her home she had passed away. Coroner Czibulka of Warren was notified and he arrived at Apple River on the 8:30 train.He at once impanelled a jury consisting of J. Stewart Lamont, foreman; L. F. Bourquin, N. Murphy, T. F. Cassidy, G. V. Lichtenberger and R. L. Hall. After hearing all the evidence at hand they met the next day, and with the coroner advised a post mortem examination which resulted in finding the heart and lungs in perfect condition, the stomach was taken to Chicago by the coroner, and up to this day (Wednesday morning) nothing has been heard in regard to the examination, and a verdict will not be returned until the case is fully investigated. The deceased was 33 years old, coming here from Gratiot, Wis., where she was reared. The funeral took place Sunday, Rev. J. W. McKitrick officiating. Interment in Highland cemetery. The cause of her death is still a mystery, but most of the citizens believe it was carelessness on her part in not taking better care of herself. Her husband stated to the jury that she complained of a pain in her chest for several days before her death, but did not give up until 4 o'clock Thursday when she went to bed and remained there until she passed away. He said she would go around the house (and the kitchen floor was covered with ice) without shoes. He left her at noon in bed and went to work little thinking that before he would return again his wife would be no more. Mr. Ireland left after the funeral for Gratiot with his two boys, but left his little child in the hands of Supervisor Parkin, who with Mrs. Jesse Fenn took the little one to the poor farm at Galena. The children were furnished clothing by the people. Much could be written, but much better to forget the sad scene of that home and stop and ask ourselves, did we do our duty in looking after the wants of that destitute family, and remember that good and kindly acts are of more value than words in such times. We think more could have been done by the ladies of the village, and yet a few were on hand and did what they could.

Submitted by Tim Doser