Funeral of Mrs. Patrick Kelly
The funeral of Mrs. Patrick Kelly was held this morning at 9:45 from the home and 10:15 at the St. Michael's Church, where Requiem HIgh Mass was said by Father A. J. Breen. The following grandsons acting as pallbearers: John J. Kellly, Jr., Dr. Herbert Chwatel, Robert Kelly, Joseph Kelly, Melvin Kelly and Joseph Meneguin. Burial was made in St. Michael's cemetery.
Those attending the funeral from out of the city were Mrs. D. A. Callahan, New York City, N. Y.; Sister Mary Edmund and Sister Mary Angelica, of Sinsinawa; Mr. and Mrs. F. M. Kelly and son Melvin, Edmund Kelly, W. L. Kelly, daughters Dorothy, Virginia and Jean, and sons Joseph and Lawrence. Dr. H. Chwatel, Mrs. Ben Franklin Meyer, Miss Maxine Ginter, Mr. and Mrs. C. J. Cooney, Mrs. Joseph Finnegan, all of Chicago; Mr. and Mrs. John Swift, Mrs. Nick Ginter of Dubuque, Iowa; Mrs. Herman Grotkin, daughter Marion and Mrs. C. Shewin of Benton, Wis.