Funeral of Patrick Desmond
The funeral of Mr. Patrick Desmond this afternoon was attended by his numerous acquaintances and friends. The deceased was born in the County of Cork, Ireland, on the 2d of April, 1795, and came to Galena in 1835. He was a man highly respected, upright in character, and faithful in his duties. His simplicity of character and kind disposition made him many friends; and he died as he had lived, respected and mourned by relatives and friends; an honest man, a good citizen and a devoted Christian.
Galena Daily Gazette
25 March 1875
Desmond—In this city, on the evening of Monday, the 22d of March, Patrick Desmond. He was born in Cork County, Ireland, and came to Galena in 1836. His age, at the time of his death, was about 81.
The great die, and their greatness finds many tongues for fame; but for the lowly there is only fond remembrance, and for the humble, the unvarnished record of lives lived open to the day. Yet not unnoted, shall pass forever from familiar scenes, the old man whose death is here announced.
For forty years he lived among us and did his duty, bravely, honestly and cheerfully. In all weathers, in trouble and in suffering old age, his daily work was his daily necessity, and he leaves to the young men of his race a noble example of faithful service, and honest endeavor. His warm Irish heart was full of love for those to whom his duties tied him, and his loyalty won for him the lasting regard of his employers.
For his friends and his family, there will ever be the memory of his piety, patience and great affection. And by those who for forty long years he served, with the love of his heart and the strength of his hands, he is truly mourned, and will ever be fondly remembered.