Galena Daily Gazette
4 January 1915

Mine Workman Is Killed

Peter Eneff Meets Instant Death at North Unity Mine in Vinegar Hill

Peter Eneff, a Bulgarian employed in the North Unity mine in Vinegar Hill township was instantly killed while at work at three o'clock last Saturday afternoon when a large rock fell down the shaft and struck him in the back of the neck. He was brought to the undertaking rooms of Uehren & Furlong in Galena and prepared for burial. An inquest was held over the body Sunday morning, presided over by Coroner A. L. Wenner. This morning the funeral was held from the foregoing mentioned firm's rooms, Rev. Truman R. Greene of the Methodist Episcopal church officiating. Thirty fellow countrymen and fellow workmen attended the funeral in a body, the pall bearers being chosen from that number. Interment was made in Greenwood cemetery. Eneff is survived by a wife and two children who reside in Bulgaria.

Submitted by Tim Doser