Death of an Octogenarian
Philip Yunker, aged 82 years, 7 months and 27 days, departed this life at 6:30 Sunday evening, at the home of his daughter, Mrs. Conrad Kraus, residing on the East Side. The deceased was father to Captain Yunker, of Brown county, Dak., Alderman Adam Yunker, Mrs. M. Friesenecker, Mrs. Paul Kerz, Mrs. Conrad Kraus, of Galena, and Mrs. Moesler, of Bellevue, Ia.
He came to Galena in 1854, from Germany, arriving here with the remains of his wife, who died on the steamer Golden Era while on the way up the river, between Rock Island and Galena. Within one month after his sad landing in this city, a son of deceased, aged 18 years, was drowned in Fever River, near the woolen mill. Mr. Yunker lived for several years in New California, and worked valuable mineral lands in that part of the county, which he owned at the time of his death. In 1864 he removed to Galena and took up his residence with his daughter, Mrs. Kraus, with whom he thereafter remained, receiving not only her kind ministrations, but those of Mrs. Friesenecker and his other children residing in this city. He was stricken with blindness 27 years ago, and was never thereafter able to see.
The funeral will take place from the family residence on the East Side tomorrow (Tuesday) at 2 P.M. Services at St. Mary’s Catholic church at 2:30.
Submitted by Tim Doser.