The Death of Peter Kriebs
Sexton of German Catholic Cemetery Dies This Morning
Peter Kriebs died at two-thirty o'clock this morning. The deceased was born in Wintrich Regirung Bezirt Thier, Germany and on May 28, 1864 was united in marriage to Barbara Felton. The couple arrived in Galena on March 17th, 1881, this city having been their place of residence since that tie. Mr. Kriebs was of a quiet unassuming disposition and was respected by all who knew him.
The deceased is survived by his wife, two brothers in Germany and six children. These are: Henry of Riceville, Ia., John of Dickeyville, Wis. and Mrs. John Klingel, Mrs. Alois Hahn, Maggie and Peter at home. One daughter preceded him to the beyond on Oct. 5, 1892. Mr. Kriebs has been sexton of the German Catholic cemetery since April 1885.
The funeral services will be held on Saturday morning from St. Mary's Catholic church, interment to be made inn the German Catholic cemetery.