Rev. J.E. Liddel

Galena Gazette, 23 March 1895

A Stricken Family

Galena Daily Gazette
23 March 1895

Rev. J. E. Liddel, who lived for many years at Vinegar Hill, and was a conference preacher of the M. E. Church moved two years ago to Monroe, Wis. Two weeks ago he was taken down with the grippe, which was followed by pneumonia. His son, 20 years of age, and his wife were taken ill with the same dread disease about the same time. Last Thursday evening Mr. Liddel died after a painful illness, and his son breathed his last twenty minutes later. Mrs. Liddell lies hopelessly ill, and her end is evidently very near.

The remains of Mr. Liddel and son will arrive this evening at Millbrig by the C. & N.W. Railroad. Funeral services will be held to-morrow at 3 o’clock p.m. from the church at Millbrig, and interment will be made at Vinegar Hill. Mr. Liddel was a cousin of J. B. Liddel of Galena.

Submitted by Tim Doser