Death of Thos. Golden
Old Resident of Galena Passes Away After a Lingering Illness
Thomas Golden, one of Galena's oldest residents, died at his home on the East Side this morning. He had been in ill health several years and for more than a year past was in such condition that his death was daily expected. He enjoyed a green old age, being 86 years old at the time of his death.
Mr. Golden was a resident of Galena more than half a century. In the days when the daily and weekly editions of the Gazette were printed by hand press, and when H. H. Houghton was publisher, he was an employe of this paper in the capacity of pressman. Later he was for years the tender of the railroad crossing at Green street, in the employ of the Illinois Central, but left that position about eight years ago. He was an industrious and faithful employe.
He was twice married and his second wife survives. Several sons also survive and two daughters, Miss Lizzie Golden, a well known school teacher of this county, and Julia, residing in Chicago.
The funeral will be held Thursday from the residence at 9:30 o'clock. Services at St. Michael's church at 10 o'clock.
Galena Daily Gazette
9 April 1896
Funeral of Thomas Golden
The funeral of Thomas Golden was held this morning from the family residence on the East Side to St. Michael's Catholic church, where the services were held at 10 o'clock in the presence of a large concourse of friends. A High Mass of requiem was solemnized by Rev. Father Burke, and the funeral discourse was delivered by Rev. J. E. Shannahan. The pall-bearers were Messrs. Dennis Fitzpatrick, Jas. Kane, W. H. Paul, Lawrence Albert, A. McCafferty and Jas. Rogers. A lengthy cortege proceeded to the East Side Catholic cemetery where burial was made.