Thomas Maguire, one of the leading citizens of East Dubuque, passed away at the family home in that city suddenly Tuesday morning at two o'clock. Although confined to his home for the past year, due to a general break down, his condition was not considered grave, but a sudden attack of heart failure hastened the end.
Mr. Maguire was born August 22, 1839, in the parish of Mullaghdun, near Enniskillen, County Fermangh, Ireland, and in 1852 came to this country, settling at Elizabeth, Jo Daviess Co., Ill. He engaged in farming for five years, and for the next eleven taught school. He removed to Dunlieth, now East Dubuque, in 1868, and formed a partnership with his brother John, in the general merchandising business. His brother's death occurred on March 8, 1910, and Mr. Maguire continued the business for another year, when ill health forced his retirement.
During the many years of his residence in East Dubuque he had been one of its foremost, public spirited citizens, in the commercial, social and political life of the city. His vast number of friends in his home city, as well as in Dubuque are a worthy estimate of his character. His honorable, upright and genial disposition won for him the respect and esteem of hundreds of loyal friends. As in recognition of their confidence in his integrity, he was tendered many offices during his public career, including that of postmaster, town clerk, school trustee, school treasurer, supervisor and mayor, all of which he held for several succeeding terms.
Through his efforts many permanent and beneficial improvements were made, and during his term of office as mayor, the High bridge was constructed.
In his family life he was the ideal father and his greatest pleasure was performing deeds of kindness which bound him closely to his family. A man who obtained his education under adverse circumstances, and appreciated the value of education, it was his ail to provide his children with this essential of success, so earnestly sought by himself. His death as was his life, was in the firm belief of the Catholic church and he died fortified by its last sacraments of the faith he had so faithfully kept. His death will leave it impression upon all, and his genial presence will be missed by many, but especially in the family circle where there are left to mourn him the following children: Mrs. M Houlahan, Henry C. and Francis J. of East Dubuque. Dr. John E., Dr. James O and Daniel E., assistant county attorney, of this city. Two brothers, James of St. Paul and Francis of Mitchell, S.D., also surviving his beloved wife, one daughter and three sons preceded him to the grave. The funeral will be held from the family residence to ST. Mary's church Thursday morning at nine o'clock.
Submitted by Mike Burkett