Dunleith Township

Jo Daviess County, Illinois

It is a little difficult to ascertain who were the first settlers of the Township of Dunleith, as that township borders upon the Mississippi River and it is possible that many, while seeking locations near the lead mines, may have settled within its borders. It contains some lead mines but they are not very extensive. It is probable, however, that many miners have prospected there. The first permanent settler of which we have any record was Eleazer Frentress, who settled on a claim south of East Dubuque, and the land is still owned by his descendants. The city of East Dubuque, which is within the borders of the township, is a place of considerable importance. and bids fair to become more so in the not distant future. It owns its own light plant and waterworks and has the second best public school building in the county.

(This section is taken from the book "History of Jo Daviess County  1904)

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